\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \documentclass[draft]{ltxguide}[1995/11/28] %\usepackage{draftcopy} \newcommand{\SJour}{\textsc{SVJour}} \title{The \SJour\ document class users guide:\\supplement for\\\textit{Decisions in Economics and Finance}} \author{\copyright~2000, Marco Li Calzi and Springer Verlag Heidelberg\\ All rights reserved.} \date{4 January 2000} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro} This document describes the \textit{def} option for the \SJour\ \LaTeXe\ document class. For details on manuscript handling and the review process we refer to the \emph{Instructions for authors} in the printed journal. For style matters please consult previous issues of the journal. \section{Initializing the class}\label{sec:opt} As explained in the main \emph{Users guide} you can begin a document for \emph{Decisions in Economics and Finance} by including \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[def]{svjour} \end{verbatim} as the first line in your text. All other options are also described in the main \emph{Users guide}. \section{Extra commands} There are only two additional commands: \begin{decl} |\subclassMath|\arg{classification} \end{decl} and \begin{decl} |\subclassEcon|\arg{classification} \end{decl} They are respectively needed to specify the \emph{Mathematics Subject Classification (2000)} and the \emph{Journal of Economic Literature Classification} at the end of the abstract. These commands are similar to |\keywords| and should appear as the last two commands inside the \emph{abstract} environment. \end{document}