%% LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/. %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[size=10pt,letterpaper,landscape,english,nopsheader,style=fyma,display=slidesnotes]{powerdot} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. \providecommand{\LyX}{L\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{Y}\kern-.125emX\@} \newcommand{\lyxarrow}{\leavevmode\,$\triangleright$\,\allowbreak} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands. \usepackage{listings} \pdsetup{% lf=left footer, rf=right footer } \usepackage{babel} \makeatother \begin{document} \title{A \LyX{} sample} \author{Mael Hilléreau \and Hendri Adriaens \and Christopher Ellison} \date{\today} \maketitle \lyxend\lyxslide{My first slide} We use a \texttt{Slide} style (magenta color, see above this text into \LyX{} window) for the title of each slide of a section or document. \lyxend\lyxwideslide{My wide slide} \label{toc}But we may also use wide slides (green color, see above this text into \LyX{} window). Let's have a look at the TOC: \medskip{} \tableofcontents{} \lyxend\section{This is the first section} \lyxend\lyxslide[toc=This slide has...]{This slide has a very very long title} This slide's title is different in the TOC, see slide \pageref{toc} or at the left of all slides in this section. \lyxend\lyxnote{Important note!} Don't forget to use \texttt{Insert}\lyxarrow{}\texttt{Short title} in order to specify slide options. \lyxend\lyxslide{Using \texttt{\textbackslash{}pause}} Let's make a pause! \pause \ldots{} and then continue. \lyxend\section{Second section} \lyxend\lyxslide{Using \texttt{enumerate}} Let's enumerate things:\pause \begin{enumerate}[type=1] \item The first thing;\pause \item The second thing;\pause \item The third thing;\pause \item The final thing! \end{enumerate} \lyxend\lyxslide{Using \texttt{itemize}} We may also make some items and nest them:\pause \begin{itemize}[type=1] \item <2> The first; \item <3> The second; \begin{itemize}[type=1] \item <4> One, \item <5> Two, \item <6> Three, \end{itemize} \item <7> The last one. \end{itemize} \lyxend\lyxemptyslide[toc=,randomdots]{The empty slide!} \bigskip{} \begin{center}This slide is empty\ldots{} \end{center} \pause \begin{center}It uses \texttt{EmptySlide} style for its title (see cyan color into \LyX{} window).\end{center} \pause \begin{center}You may also have noticed the use of \texttt{randomdots} slide option which\\ allows displaying those multicolor dots into the slide background.\end{center} \lyxend\lyxslide[method=direct]{Example of \LaTeX{} source code} Let's now use the \texttt{listings} package in order to typeset some source code. Here's the \texttt{\textbackslash{}HelloWorld} \LaTeX{} command: \lstset{language=[LaTeX]TeX} \begin{lstlisting} \newcommand{\HelloWorld}{Hello World!} \end{lstlisting} Note that this slide uses the \texttt{method=direct} option (see its short title options box above into \LyX{} window). \lyxend\lyxslide[method=file]{Verbatim material with overlays} Here's \texttt{HelloWorld()} C function: \lstset{language=C} \begin{lstlisting} void HelloWorld() { printf("Hello World!\n"); } \end{lstlisting} \pause Unlike the previous one, this slide must use \texttt{method=file} as it employs two overlays. \lyxend\lyxslide{The end.} Don't forget to put an \texttt{EndSlide} style at the end of the document (see the black symbol below into \LyX{} window). Have fun! \lyxend{} \end{document}