#VRML V1.0 ascii # dice.wrl # based on the work of # Peter Whitehouse # http://www.wonko.info/vrml/dice.txt Separator { DEF _dice Shape { geometry Box { size 8 8 8 } } DEF _sphere0 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.2 0.8 0.2 ] } Translation { translation -2 2 -4 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_0 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.2 0.8 0.2 ] } Translation { translation 2 -2 -4 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0.5 0.8 ] } Translation { translation -2 2 4 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_0_1 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0.5 0.8 ] } Translation { translation 2 -2 4 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0.5 0.8 ] } Translation { translation 0 0 4 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_3 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.3 0.3 1 ] } Translation { translation -4 2 1.5 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_0_1_3 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.3 0.3 1 ] } Translation { translation -4 2 -1.5 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_3_4 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.3 0.3 1 ] } Translation { translation -4 0 1.5 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_0_1_3_4 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.3 0.3 1 ] } Translation { translation -4 -2 -1.5 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_4 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.3 0.3 1 ] } Translation { translation -4 -2 1.5 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_6 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 1 0 ] } Translation { translation 0 4 0 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_7 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 1 0 ] } Translation { translation 2 4 -2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_6_7 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 1 0 ] } Translation { translation 2 4 2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_7_8 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0 0 ] } Translation { translation -2 -4 -2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_6_7_8 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0 0 ] } Translation { translation -2 -4 2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_7_9 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0 0 ] } Translation { translation 2 -4 -2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_6_7_9 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 0 0 ] } Translation { translation 2 -4 2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_7_8_9 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 1 0 ] } Translation { translation -2 4 -2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_2_3_5_6_7_8_9 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 1 1 0 ] } Translation { translation -2 4 2 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_3_10 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0 1 1 ] } Translation { translation 4 0 0 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } DEF _sphere0_1_3_4_12 Separator { Material { diffuseColor [ 0.3 0.3 1 ] } Translation { translation -4 0 -1.5 } Sphere { radius 1.00000 } } }