\PassOptionsToClass{a4paper, 12pt}{article} \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[british]{babel} \usepackage[babel]{microtype} \newcommand{\thispackage}{lectureslides} \title{The \texttt{\thispackage} Package\footnote{This document corresponds to \texttt{lectureslides} version 1.0 / 2022-03-01.}} \author{Taihao Zhang\protect\\\ttfamily t@taihao.de} \date{1st March 2022} \begin{document} \maketitle % \subsection*{Motivation} When studying, there frequently occurs the situation where one uses \texttt{Ctrl\,+\,F} many times to search for a keyword in all the lecture slides. Throughout an entire semester, there can be a large number of PDFs that would need to be searched. \par This package allows for easily combining individual PDFs into a large one, indexing each with a title that PDF viewers can display. \verb+lectureslides+ also provides a table of contents. \subsection*{Usage} In general, usage of \texttt{\thispackage} works as follows: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lectureslides} \begin{document} \course{Engineering Mechanics} \tableofcontents \lecture{Introduction to EM}{intro} \lecture{Centre of gravity}{centre} \end{document} \end{verbatim} \begin{macro}{\course} Acts as the title on the cover page, used in the form \newline \verb+\course[]{Engineering Mechanics}+. The optional argument specifies the footnote text, which otherwise defaults to \textbf{Compiled \textbackslash today}. This text adapts to an \verb+ngerman+ setting in babel.\footnote{This requires that this package is loaded after babel.} \end{macro} \newpage \begin{macro}{\lecture} Inserts one set of lecture slides. This command takes two mandatory arguments in the following form: \begin{verbatim} \lecture{Title of this lecture}{pdf_file_name} \end{verbatim} Two optional arguments can specify the range of slides that need to be included. For example, to include slides 10~--35 of \verb+intro.pdf+: \begin{verbatim} \lecture{Introduction to EM}[10][35]{intro} \end{verbatim} Either optional argument can be left empty. To include slides up to slide number 35: \begin{verbatim} \lecture{Introduction to EM}[][35]{intro} \end{verbatim} To include slides from slide number 10 til the end: \begin{verbatim} \lecture{Introduction to EM}[10][]{intro} \end{verbatim} Internally, this command calls \verb+\lecturetitle+ and \verb+\lectureslides+. \end{macro} \begin{macro}{\tableofcontents} Prints a table of contents of all lectures. Each \verb+\lecture+ (and consequently \verb+\lecturetitle+) gets its own entry here. \verb+\tocline+ customises the appearance. \end{macro} \subsection*{Option} \DescribeMacro{landscape} \DescribeMacro{portrait} \verb+landscape+ is the default orientation if no option is passed, as lecture slides are most often given out in this format. \verb+portrait+ can be used instead to insert slides in portrait orientation. \subsection*{Advanced} \begin{macro}{\lecturetitle} Declares a new set of slides, but doesn't insert any PDF pages yet. When followed by \verb+\lectureslides+, an actual entry in the table of contents gets created. \begin{verbatim} \lecturetitle{Title of this lecture} \end{verbatim} \end{macro} \begin{macro}{\lectureslides} Inserts a set of slides from a given PDF. Optional arguments specify the range of slides to be included. \begin{verbatim} \lectureslides[10][35]{pdf_file_name} \end{verbatim} Multiple \verb+\lectureslides+ can be stringed together to include slides from different PDFs. These will then all organised under the last preceding \verb+\lecturetitle+. \end{macro} \begin{macro}{\tocline} Determines how the lecture title appears in the table of contents (ToC). Putting the following in the preamble redefines this, for example: \begin{verbatim} \renewcommand{\tocline}[1]{% Semana \arabic{section}: #1% } \end{verbatim} Alternatively, \verb+\renewcommand{\tocline}[1]{#1}+ omits the numbering, putting only the title in the ToC. \end{macro} \end{document}