% ====================================================================== % common-oddorevenpage-en.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2001-2022 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in MANIFEST.md. % ====================================================================== % % Paragraphs that are common for several chapters of the KOMA-Script guide % Maintained by Markus Kohm % % ====================================================================== \KOMAProvidesFile{common-oddorevenpage-en.tex} [$Date: 2022-06-05 12:40:11 +0200 (So, 05. Jun 2022) $ KOMA-Script guide (common paragraph: Detection of Odd and Even Pages)] \translator{Markus Kohm\and Krickette Murabayashi\and Karl Hagen} \section{Detecting Odd and Even Pages} \seclabel{oddOrEven}% \BeginIndexGroup% \BeginIndex{}{page>odd}% \BeginIndex{}{page>even}% \IfThisCommonFirstRun{}{% The information in \autoref{sec:maincls.oddOrEven} applies equally to this chapter. So if you have already read and understood \autoref{sec:\ThisCommonFirstLabelBase.oddOrEven}, you can skip ahead to \autopageref{sec:\ThisCommonLabelBase.oddOrEven.next}, \autopageref{sec:\ThisCommonLabelBase.oddOrEven.next}.% } In two-sided documents we distinguish left and right pages. Left pages always have an even page number, and right pages always have an odd page number. % \IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{% Identifying right and left pages is equivalent to identifying even- or odd-numbered pages, and so we normally refer to them as even and odd pages in this \iffree{guide}{book}. % Umbruchkorrekturtext \iftrue% In one-sided documents, the distinction between left and right pages does not exist. Nevertheless, there are still pages with even and odd page numbers.% \fi% }{% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrlttr2}{% As a rule, letters will be set one-sided. However, if you need to print letters using both sides of the paper or, in exceptional cases, are generating real two-sided letters, it may be useful to know whether you are currently on an even or odd page.% }{}% } \begin{Declaration} \Macro{Ifthispageodd}\Parameter{true part}\Parameter{false part} \end{Declaration}% If\IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{% \ChangedAt{v3.28}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% }{% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrlttr2}{% \ChangedAt{v3.28}{\Class{scrlttr2}}% }{% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% \ChangedAt{v3.28}{\Package{scrextend}}% }{}% }% } % you want to determine whether text appears on an even or odd page, \KOMAScript{} provides the \Macro{Ifthispageodd} command. The \PName{true part} argument is executed only if you are currently on an odd page. Otherwise the \PName{false part} argument is executed. % \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{\iffalse}{\csname iftrue\endcsname}% \begin{Example} Suppose you simply want to show whether a text will be placed onto an even or odd page. You may achieve that using{\phantomsection\xmpllabel{Ifthispageodd}} \begin{lstcode} This page has an \Ifthispageodd{odd}{even} page number. \end{lstcode} This results in the output \begin{quote} This page has an \Ifthispageodd{odd}{even} page number. \end{quote} \end{Example} \fi Because the \Macro{Ifthispageodd} command uses a mechanism that is very similar to a label and a reference to it, at least two {\LaTeX} runs are required after each change to the text. Only then will the decision be correct. In the first run, a heuristic is used to make the initial choice. In \autoref{sec:maincls-experts.addInfos}, \DescPageRef{maincls-experts.cmd.Ifthispageodd}, advanced users can find more information about the problems of detecting left and right pages, or even and odd page numbers.% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% An example for \Macro{Ifthispageodd} is shown on \PageRefxmpl{maincls.Ifthispageodd} in \autoref{sec:maincls.oddOrEven}.% }{}% % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "scrguide-en.tex" %%% coding: utf-8 %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "en_GB" %%% eval: (flyspell-mode 1) %%% End: