% ====================================================================== % common-dictum-en.tex % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2001-2023 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in MANIFEST.md. % ====================================================================== % % Paragraphs that are common for several chapters of the KOMA-Script guide % Maintained by Markus Kohm % % ====================================================================== \KOMAProvidesFile{common-dictum-en.tex} [$Date: 2023-04-20 10:04:17 +0200 (Do, 20. Apr 2023) $ KOMA-Script guide (common paragraphs)] \translator{Gernot Hassenpflug\and Markus Kohm\and Krickette Murabayashi\and Karl Hagen} \section{Dicta} \seclabel{dictum}% \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{}{saying}% \BeginIndex{}{dictum}% \BeginIndex{}{epigraph}% \IfThisCommonFirstRun{}{% The information in \autoref{sec:\ThisCommonFirstLabelBase.dictum} applies equally to this chapter. % \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% However, \Package{scrextend} does not support the commands \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setchapterpreamble} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setpartpreamble}. \iftrue% Umbruchvariante Whether the class you are using offers an equivalent instruction can be found in the documentation for the respective class .% \fi% }{}% So if you have already read and understood \autoref{sec:\ThisCommonFirstLabelBase.dictum}, you can skip ahead to \autoref{sec:\ThisCommonLabelBase.dictum.next}, \autopageref{sec:\ThisCommonLabelBase.dictum.next}.% }{}% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% Umbruchkorrekturvarianten A common element in a document is an epigraph or quotation that is set above or below a chapter or section heading, typically right-justified. The epigraph and its source are usually specially formatted.% }{% A common element in a document is an epigraph or quotation that is set above or below a chapter or section heading, along with a reference to the source and its own formatting.% } % \KOMAScript{} refers to such an epigraph as a \emph{dictum}. \begin{Declaration} \Macro{dictum}\OParameter{author}\Parameter{text}% \Macro{dictumwidth}% \Macro{dictumauthorformat}\Parameter{author}% \Macro{dictumrule}% \Macro{raggeddictum}% \Macro{raggeddictumtext}% \Macro{raggeddictumauthor} \end{Declaration}% You can set such a saying with the help of the \Macro{dictum} command. % \IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{% This\textnote{Hint!} macro can be included in the mandatory argument of either the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setchapterpreamble} or the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setpartpreamble} command. However, this is not obligatory.\par% }{}% The dictum, along with an optional \PName{author}, is inserted in a \Macro{parbox}\IndexCmd{parbox} (see \cite{latex:usrguide}) of width \Macro{dictumwidth}. However, \Macro{dictumwidth} is not a length which can be set with \Macro{setlength}. It is a macro that can be redefined using \Macro{renewcommand}. The default is \PValue{0.3333\Length{textwidth}}, which is one third of the text width. The box itself is aligned with the command \Macro{raggeddictum}. The default is \Macro{raggedleft}\IndexCmd{raggedleft}, that is, right justified. \Macro{raggeddictum} can be redefined with \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% Umbruchoptimierung }{the help of }\Macro{renewcommand}. You can align the \PName{dictum} within the box using \Macro{raggeddictumtext}\important{\Macro{raggeddictumtext}}. The default is \Macro{raggedright}\IndexCmd{raggedright}, that is, left justified. You can also redefine this macro with \Macro{renewcommand}.% \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{FontElement}{dictum}\LabelFontElement{dictum}% \LabelFontElement{dictumtext}% The output uses the default font setting for the element \FontElement{dictum}\important{\FontElement{dictum}}, which can be changed with the commands \DescRef{\ThisCommonLabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\ThisCommonLabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont} (see \autoref{sec:\ThisCommonLabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\ThisCommonLabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}). Default settings are listed in \autoref{tab:maincls.dictumfont}% \IfThisCommonFirstRun{.% \begin{table} % \centering% \KOMAoptions{captions=topbeside}% \setcapindent{0pt}% % \caption \begin{captionbeside}{Default settings for the elements of a dictum} [l] \begin{tabular}[t]{ll} \toprule Element & Default \\ \midrule \IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{% \ChangedAt{v3.39}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% }{% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% \ChangedAt{v3.39}{\Package{screxend}}% }{% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrlttr2}{% \ChangedAt{v3.39}{\Class{scrlttr2}}% }{}% }% }% \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.dictum} & \Macro{normalfont}\Macro{normalcolor}% \DescRef{\LabelBase.cmd.maybesffamily}\IndexCmd{maybesffamily}% \Macro{small}\\ \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.dictumauthor} & \Macro{itshape}\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{captionbeside} \label{tab:\ThisCommonLabelBase.dictumfont} \end{table} }{% , \autopageref{tab:\ThisCommonFirstLabelBase.dictumfont}.% } \EndIndexGroup If an \PName{author} is defined, it is separated from the \PName{dictum} by a horizontal rule spanning the full width of the \Macro{parbox}. This% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{% \ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Class{scrbook}\and \Class{scrreprt}\and \Class{scrartcl}}% }{% \IfThisCommonLabelBase{scrextend}{% \ChangedAt{v3.10}{\Package{scrextend}}% }{\InternalCommonFileUsageError}% } % rule is defined in \Macro{dictumrule}\important{\Macro{dictumrule}} as a vertical object with \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\dictumrule}{\vskip-1ex\hrulefill\par} \end{lstcode} The \Macro{raggeddictumauthor}\important{\Macro{raggeddictumauthor}} command defines the alignment for the rule and the \PName{author}. The default is \Macro{raggedleft}. This command can also be redefined using \Macro{renewcommand}. The format is defined with \Macro{dictumauthorformat}\important{\Macro{dictumauthorformat}}. This macro expects the \PName{author} text as its argument. By default \Macro{dictumauthorformat} is defined as \begin{lstcode} \newcommand*{\dictumauthorformat}[1]{(#1)} \end{lstcode} Thus the \PName{author} is set enclosed in rounded parentheses. \BeginIndexGroup \BeginIndex{FontElement}{dictumauthor}\LabelFontElement{dictumauthor}% For the \FontElement{dictumauthor}\important{\FontElement{dictumauthor}} element, you can define a different font than that used for the \DescRef{\LabelBase.fontelement.dictum} element. The default settings are listed in \autoref{tab:maincls.dictumfont}. Changes can be made using the \DescRef{\ThisCommonLabelBase.cmd.setkomafont} and \DescRef{\ThisCommonLabelBase.cmd.addtokomafont} commands (see \autoref{sec:\ThisCommonLabelBase.textmarkup}, \DescPageRef{\ThisCommonLabelBase.cmd.setkomafont}).% \EndIndexGroup \IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{% If you use \Macro{dictum} within the \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setchapterpreamble} or \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setpartpreamble} macro, \Length{textwidth} is not the width of the whole text body but the current text width. If \Macro{dictumwidth} is set to \PValue{.5\Length{textwidth}} and \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setchapterpreamble} has an optional width of \PValue{.5\Length{textwidth}} too, you will get a box with a width one quarter of the text width. The horizontal positioning of the dictum inside the box is always done with \Macro{raggeddictum}. The optional argument for horizontal positioning which is implemented for these two commands has no effect to the \Macro{text}. If you use \Macro{dictum} you should refrain from setting the optional width for \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setchapterpreamble} or \DescRef{maincls.cmd.setpartpreamble}. If\textnote{Hint!} you have more than one dictum, one under another, you should separate them by an additional vertical space, which is easily accomplished using the \Macro{bigskip}\IndexCmd{bigskip} command.% \iftrue% }{\csname iffalse\endcsname} \begin{Example} You are writing a chapter about modern marriage, and you want to place a dictum in the preamble to the chapter heading. You write: \begin{lstcode} \setchapterpreamble[u]{% \dictum[Schiller]{So pause ye who would link your fates~\dots}} \chapter{Modern Marriage} \end{lstcode} The output would look as follows: \begin{ShowOutput} {\usekomafont{disposition}\usekomafont{chapter}% 17\enskip Modern Marriage\par} \vspace{\baselineskip} \dictum[Schiller]{So pause ye who would link your fates~\dots} \end{ShowOutput} If you want the dictum to span only a quarter of the text width rather than a third, you can redefine \Macro{dictumwidth} this way: \begin{lstcode} \renewcommand*{\dictumwidth}{.25\textwidth} \end{lstcode} \end{Example} \IfThisCommonLabelBase{maincls}{}{% Umbruchkorrekturtext At this point, note the \Package{ragged2e}\important{\Package{ragged2e}}% \IndexPackage{ragged2e} package, with which you can produce unjustified text that uses hyphenation (see \cite{package:ragged2e}).% }% \fi % \EndIndexGroup % \EndIndexGroup %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "scrguide-en.tex" %%% coding: utf-8 %%% ispell-local-dictionary: "en_GB" %%% eval: (flyspell-mode 1) %%% End: