\pdfoutput=1 \documentclass{article} \usepackage[pdftex,designi]{web} \usepackage[pdftex]{exerquiz} \usepackage[ImplMulti,indefIntegral]{dljslib} \usepackage[twoplayers] {jeopardy} \begin{document} \def\title{My Jeopardy} \SetGameHeight{100pt} \Celltoks{\textSize{20}} % \GrandPoohbahtoks{\BG{0 1 1}\BC{1 1 0}\textColor{1 0 0 rg}} \Scoretoks{\BG{0.8 0.8 0.8}} \MakeGameBoard \begin{category}{Prezidents} \begin{question} The surname of the prezident known for affair with Monica Lewinski. \RespBoxTxt101{Clinton} \end{question} \begin{question} The surname of the curent prezident of Russia (November 2006). \RespBoxTxt101{Putin} \end{question} \begin{question} The surname of the first prezident of Czech Republic (October 1918). \RespBoxTxt101{Masaryk} \end{question} \end{category} \begin{category}{Calculus} \begin{question} The main object of interest in Calculus is/are \Ans0 money \Ans0 women \Ans1 functions \Ans0 vectors \Ans0 poor people \end{question} \begin{question} Derivative of $x+\sin(x)=$? \RespBoxMath{1+cos(x)}{6}{0.001}{[1,2]} \end{question} \begin{question} Integral of $x+\sin(x)=$? \RespBoxMath{x^2/2-cos(x)}{6}{0.001}{[1,2]}[indefCompare] \end{question} \end{category} \begin{category}{Physics} \begin{question} The formula for \textit{kinetic energy} is \Ans0 $ mv$ \Ans1 $\frac 12 mv^2$ \Ans0 $mc^2$ \end{question} \begin{question} The formula for \textit{impuls} of moving object is \Ans1 $ mv$ \Ans0 $\frac 12 mv^2$ \Ans0 $mc^2$ \end{question} \begin{question} The formula for \textit{total energy} of moving object from theory of relativity is \Ans0 $ mv$ \Ans0 $\frac 12 mv^2$ \Ans1 $mc^2$ \end{question} \end{category} \end{document}