% isomath-test.tex: test and template for isomath.sty % =================================================== % % Copyright © 2008 Günter Milde % Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v. 2 or later) % % General settings % ---------------- % :: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \pagestyle{empty} % Customisation % ------------- % % Font packages % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % % (Auxiliary commands for package and option selection, so that the % selections can be shown in the test sheet.) % % Uncomment the package you want to test :: \newcommand*{\fontsetup}{\usepackage% % {ae}% \sfdefault is cmss % {anttor}% \sfdefault is cmss (use iwona) % {arev}% normal and sans identic (also in math) % {beton}% bitmap fonts % {concmath}% % {cmbright}% % {fourier}% incompatible (uses private font encoding) % [default]{gfsneohellenic}% no bold % {hfoldsty}% bitmap fonts % {iwona}% sets cmss as sans font (use iwona) % [nomathscript]{kpfonts}% "Too many math alphabets" with OMLmathsfit option % {kerkis}% no bold math, % {lmodern}% \sfdefault is cmss % {lucidabr}% commercial, subset (no math) free as bitmap % {lxfonts}% normal and sans identic, [utopia]{mathdesign}% \sfdefault is cmss, provides roman and roman-bold in OML % [charter]{mathdesign}% % [garamond]{mathdesign}% % {mathptmx}% in mathnormal, Greek is larger than Latin! % {mbtimes}% \sfdefault is cmss % {mathpazo}% \sfdefault is cmss % {newcent}% \sfdefault is cmss % {pxfonts}% needs reuseMathAlphabets, no sans-serif % {tgcursor}% avoid bitmap tt % {tgheros}% avoid bitmap sf % {tgpagella}% \sfdefault is cmss % {tgtermes}% \sfdefault is cmss % {txfonts}% no sans-serif } % Isomath setup % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ % % Uncomment the option(s) you want to test :: \newcommand*{\isomathsetup}{\usepackage[% % reuseMathAlphabets,% OMLmathrm,% OMLmathbf,% % OMLmathsf,% % OMLmathsfit,% % OMLmathtt,% % OMLmathsans,% backwards compatibility option alias % rmdefault=zpple,% Mathpazo alternative % rmdefault=qtxmia,% TeX Gyre Termes math with alternative glyphs % sfdefault=cmbr,% default % sfdefault=iwona,% Iwona sans (Greek glyphs too close to roman) sfdefault=fav,% Arev sans (scale down (ca. 0.87)) scaled=0.875% scaling for Arev (small letters) % sfdefault=llcmss,% LX sans (glyphs too close to italic, scale down) % sfdefault=jkpss,% Kepler Sans % scaled=0.95% scaling for Kepler Sans (small letters) ]{isomath}% } % Load customisable packages % -------------------------- % :: \fontsetup \isomathsetup % Auxiliary definitions % --------------------- % % Re-define \vec to comply with ISO 31:: \renewcommand*{\vec}{\vectorsym} % Fall-back definition for \mathsfit:: \providecommand*{\mathsfit}[1]% {\emph{mathsfit not defined (requires \texttt{OMLmathsfit} option)}} % use Arev as "heavy" sans serif font:: \DeclareFontShape{OML}{fav}{bx}{it}{<-> s * [0.875] zavmbi7m}{} \SetMathAlphabet{\mathsfbfit}{bold}{OML}{fav}{bx}{it} % Test sheet % ---------- % :: \begin{document} \section*{Test the isomath Package} % Print font package, isomath options, and resulting font families:: Font Setup: \detokenize\expandafter{\fontsetup}\\ Isomath: \detokenize\expandafter{\isomathsetup}\\ Default font families: \makeatletter \begin{tabular}[t]{lrlrl} Text & serif & \textsf{\rmdefault} & sans-serif & \textsf{\sfdefault}\\ Math & serif & \textsf{\isomath@rmdefault} & sans-serif & \textsf{\isomath@sfdefault}\\ \end{tabular} \makeatother % A teststring with Latin and Greek letters:: \newcommand{\teststring}{% % capital Latin letters A,B,C, % capital Greek letters \Gamma,\Delta,\Theta,\Lambda,\Xi,\Pi,\Sigma,\Upsilon,\Phi,\Psi,\Omega, % small Greek letters \alpha,\beta,\pi,\nu,\omega, % small Latin letters: % compare \nu, \omega, v, and w v,w, % is there a true italic form of a and g? a,g, % digits 0,1,9 } \subsection*{Math alphabets} If there are other symbols in place of Greek letters in a math alphabet, it uses T1 or OT1 font encoding instead of OML. \begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{mathnormal} & & \teststring \\ \mbox{mathit} & & \mathit{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathrm} & & \mathrm{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathbf} & & \mathbf{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathsf} & & \mathsf{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathtt} & & \mathtt{\teststring} \end{eqnarray*} New alphabets bold-italic, sans-serif-italic, and sans-serif-bold-italic. \begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{mathbfit} & & \mathbfit{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathsfit} & & \mathsfit{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathsfbfit} & & \mathsfbfit{\teststring} \end{eqnarray*} % Do the math alphabets match? $ \mathnormal {a x \alpha \omega} \mathbfit {a x \alpha \omega} \mathsfbfit{a x \alpha \omega} \quad \mathsfbfit{T C \Theta \Gamma} \mathbfit {T C \Theta \Gamma} \mathnormal {T C \Theta \Gamma} $ \subsection*{Vector symbols} Alphabetic symbols for vectors are boldface italic, $\vec{\lambda}=\vec{e}_{1}\cdot\vec{a}$, while numeric ones (e.g. the zero vector) are bold upright, $\vec{a} + \vec{0} = \vec{a}$. \subsection*{Matrix symbols} Symbols for matrices are boldface italic, too:% \footnote{However, matrix symbols are usually capital letters whereas vectors are small ones. Exceptions are physical Quantities like the force vector $\vec{F}$ or the electrical field $\vec{E}$.% } $\matrixsym{\Lambda}=\matrixsym{E}\cdot\matrixsym{A}.$ \subsection*{Tensor symbols} Symbols for tensors are sans-serif bold italic, \[ \tensorsym{\alpha} = \tensorsym{e}\cdot\tensorsym{a} \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \alpha_{ijl} = e_{ijk}\cdot a_{kl}. \] The permittivity tensor describes the coupling of electric field and displacement: \[ \vec{D}=\epsilon_{0}\tensorsym{\epsilon}_{\mathrm{r}}\vec{E}\] \subsection*{Bold math version} The ``bold'' math version is selected with the commands \verb+\boldmath+ or \verb+\mathversion{bold}+ \boldmath \begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{mathnormal} & & \teststring \\ \mbox{mathit} & & \mathit{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathrm} & & \mathrm{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathbf} & & \mathbf{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathsf} & & \mathsf{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathtt} & & \mathtt{\teststring} \end{eqnarray*} New alphabets bold-italic, sans-serif-italic, and sans-serif-bold-italic. \begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{mathbfit} & & \mathbfit{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathsfit} & & \mathsfit{\teststring}\\ \mbox{mathsfbfit} & & \mathsfbfit{\teststring} \end{eqnarray*} % Do the math alphabets match? $ \mathnormal {a x \alpha \omega} \mathbfit {a x \alpha \omega} \mathsfbfit{a x \alpha \omega} \quad \mathsfbfit{T C \Theta \Gamma} \mathbfit {T C \Theta \Gamma} \mathnormal {T C \Theta \Gamma} $ \subsection*{Vector symbols} Alphabetic symbols for vectors are boldface italic, $\vec{\lambda}=\vec{e}_{1}\cdot\vec{a}$, while numeric ones (e.g. the zero vector) are bold upright, $\vec{a} + \vec{0} = \vec{a}$. \subsection*{Matrix symbols} Symbols for matrices are boldface italic, too:% \footnote{However, matrix symbols are usually capital letters whereas vectors are small ones. Exceptions are physical Quantities like the force vector $\vec{F}$ or the electrical field $\vec{E}$.% } $\matrixsym{\Lambda}=\matrixsym{E}\cdot\matrixsym{A}.$ \subsection*{Tensor symbols} Symbols for tensors are sans-serif bold italic, \[ \tensorsym{\alpha} = \tensorsym{e}\cdot\tensorsym{a} \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad \alpha_{ijl} = e_{ijk}\cdot a_{kl}. \] The permittivity tensor describes the coupling of electric field and displacement: \[ \vec{D}=\epsilon_{0}\tensorsym{\epsilon}_{\mathrm{r}}\vec{E}\] \end{document}