%% For normal draft builds (figs undisplayed hence fast compile) %\documentclass[hyperpdf,nobind,draft,oneside]{hepthesis} %\documentclass[hyperpdf,nobind,draft,twoside]{hepthesis} %% For short draft builds (breaks citations by necessity) %\documentclass[hyperpdf,nobind,draft,hidefrontback]{hepthesis} %% For Cambridge soft-bound version \documentclass[hyperpdf,bindnopdf]{hepthesis} %% For Cambridge hard-bound version (must be one-sided) %\documentclass[hyperpdf,oneside]{hepthesis} %% Load special font packages here if you wish %\usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{mathpazo} %\usepackage{euler} %% Put package includes etc. into preamble.tex for convenience \input{preamble} %% You can set the line spacing this way %\setallspacing{double} %% or a section at a time like this %\setfrontmatterspacing{double} %% Define the thesis title and author \title{A study of \BToKPi decays with\\ the \LHCb experiment} \author{Andrew Gordon Buckley} %% Doc-specific PDF metadata \makeatletter \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{% \hypersetup{% pdftitle = {Studying B to K pi decays with LHCb}, pdfsubject = {Andy Buckley's PhD thesis}, pdfkeywords = {LHCb, B, physics, LHC, heavy flavour}, pdfauthor = {\textcopyright\ Andy Buckley} }}{} \makeatother %% Start the document \begin{document} %% Define the un-numbered front matter (cover pages, rubrik and table of contents) \begin{frontmatter} \input{frontmatter} \end{frontmatter} %% Start the content body of the thesis \begin{mainmatter} %% Actually, more semantic chapter filenames are better, like "chap-bgtheory.tex" \input{chap1} \input{chap2} \input{chap3} %% To ignore a specific chapter while working on another, making the build faster, comment it out: %\input{chap4} \end{mainmatter} %% Produce the appendices \begin{appendices} \input{appendices} \end{appendices} %% Produce the un-numbered back matter (e.g. colophon, %% bibliography, tables of figures etc., index...) \begin{backmatter} \input{backmatter} \end{backmatter} %% Close \end{document}