% !TeX root = ../easyfloats.tex \section{Other packages} \label{other-packages} This section lists other packages which may be useful in combination with this package. \pkgdoc{placeins} When loaded with the `section` package option it prevents floats from floating to another section. It provides the `\FloatBarrier` command which prevents floats from floating past a certain point. \pkgdoc{flafter} ensures that floats are not placed before their inclusion in the source code. (With the placement=t it is possible that they are placed on the top of the same page.) \pkgdoc{booktabs} for formatting tables. This is loaded by default unless you use the package option \pkgoptn{nobooktabs}. Please read sections 1 and~2 of the \pkg{booktabs} documentation~\autocite{booktabs}. \pkgdoc{xcolor} When loaded with the package option \pkgoptn{table} it provides commands for coloring tables. `\rowcolor{}` sets a background color for a single row. See \cref{local-definitions-in-tables}. `\rowcolors{}{}{}` can be used with the `exec` key and sets alternating row colors for the entire table. \pkgdoc{array} extends the column specification syntax and defines the `\newcolumntype` command to define custom column types. It also changes the approach how rules are drawn but that is irrelevant if you apply \pkg{booktabs}' guidelines~\autocite[section~2 \sectionname{The layout of formal tables}]{booktabs}. This is loaded by default unless you use the package option \pkgoptn{noarray}. \pkgdoc{siunitx} for typesetting numbers and units. It provides the `S` column to align numbers at their decimal separator. \pkgdoc{tabularx} A table where the columns adapt to the width of the table, not the other way around. Unlike `tabular*` the space goes into the columns, not between the columns. \pkgdoc{longtable} provides tables where a pagebreak is allowed, see \cref{longtable}. This can be loaded automatically with the package option \pkgoptn{longtable}. \pkgdoc{hyperref} automatically creates links in the pdf document for example from references to floating objects. By default links are set in a red box, you can disable the red box with the package option `hidelinks`. With the package option `pdfusetitle` it automatically sets the pdf title and author based on `\title` and `\author`. \pkg{hyperref} should usually be loaded last. \pkgdoc{varioref} automatically inserts a page reference (e.g. \enquote{on the following page} or \enquote{on page~42}) after the reference if the reference is on a different page than the label when using `\vref{