% !TeX root = ../easyfloats.tex \section{Examples} \label{examples} Let's start with a few examples. Environments, commands and keys defined by this package are links (both in the code and in the text). Clicking on them will get you to their explanation in \cref{documentation}. \Cref{motivation} gives a motivation why this package is useful. There is a list of related packages in \cref{used-packages,other-packages}. Package names link to the rather short description in that list. The examples have been tested with \input{../test/generated/latex_version}\unskip. \subsection{Table} \label{table} Use the \env{tableobject} environment for inserting tables. Pass caption and label as keyword arguments. You can't mess up the order of caption and label and you get a warning if you forget to specify them. You don't need two environments (one for the float, one for the table---`tableobject` can do both). \pkg{booktabs} (and \pkg{array}) are loaded automatically (if not disabled, see \cref{package-options}). The last argument, `cl`, is not an argument of the `tableobject` environment but of the standard \LaTeX\ `tabular` environment which is started by the `tableobject` environment because it is specified with `env`. It specifies the columns of the table: The `l` stands for one left aligned column and the `c` for one centered column. An `r` would stand for a right aligned column and a \xc.p{}. for a column which breaks the cell contents to a specified width. The \pkg{siunitx} package defines `S` for a column which aligns numbers and in the `tabularx` environment defined by the \pkg{tabularx} package `X` is available for a `p` column which automatically takes as much space as there is available. You can use the `\newcolumntype` command (defined by the \pkg{array} package) to define your own column types, e.g.\ `\newcolumntype{M}{>{$}c<{$}}` to define a column type `M` for centered math content. See the \pkg{array} package documentation~\autocite[chapter~1]{array} for more column specification options. `&` is the column separator and `\\` specifies the end of a row. The table is formatted with `\toprule`, `\midrule` and `\bottomrule` as explained in the \pkg{booktabs} documentation~\autocite[chapter~2]{booktabs}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-table} You can reduce typing effort even further by using the `table head` key, see \cref{longtable}. If you are not familiar with how to reference a label, see \cref{vref}. \subsection{Graphic} \label{graphic} Use the \cmd{\includegraphicobject} command to insert a graphic. It is a wrapper around \pkg{graphicx}' `\includegraphics` command taking the same arguments. No need for a surrounding `figure` environment. I have extended the allowed optional keyword argument to also accept caption, label and more, see \cref{includegraphicobject-command}. `details` are appended to the caption below the figure but not in the list of figures. Select with the \pkgoptn{graphicx} or \pkgoptn{graphbox} package options whether you want to use the commonly used \pkg{graphicx} package or it's extension \pkg{graphbox}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-graphic} The graphic automatically gets the label \formatlabel{fig:graphics/ctan_lion}, based on the file name and the specified prefix. You can override the automatically generated label by passing the key `label` to the optional argument. If you omit \key{caption} the file name \formatcaption{graphics/ctan_lion} is used. See `auto label`, `auto caption`, `auto label strip path`, `auto caption strip path` and `auto label prefix`. If you are not familiar with how to reference a label, see \cref{vref}. \subsection{Subfigures} \label{exp:subfigures} The following example shows a figure consisting of two graphics displayed side by side, each having their own caption and label. The graphics have a distance of one quad, i.e. 1\,em, and fill the entire width of the line. (em is a unit of distance relative to the font. If you are unfamiliar with the units supported by \TeX\ you can read up on them in \mycite[pages 57 and~60]{texbook} or \mycite[chapters 8.2.1 and~4.3.1]{texbytopic}. I am loading the \pkg{calc} package in order to use an expression as `subobject linewidth`. (Alternatively you could use the \eTeX\ primitive `\dimexpr`.) As I want to put two graphics next to each other, each of them should be half of the available line width minus half of the distance between them wide. Additionally I need to subtract a tiny bit more in order to compensate for rounding errors in the division which would cause an uninteded line break with the initial setting `align = \centering`. (The rounding errors would not need to be compensated if you set the value of `align` to an empty string). Pay attention to *not* insert an empty line between the subobjects, otherwise they will be placed below each other instead of side by side. If you want them to be placed below each other you can use the `ver` option. By default subobjects do not show up in the list of figures. You can change that with `\captionsetup[sub]{list=true}`. `\captionsetup` is explained in the \pkg{caption} package documentation~\autocite{caption}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-subgraphic} Each of the subfigures gets it's own label, generated based on the given prefix and the file name: \formatlabel{fig:ctan_lion} and \formatlabel{fig:tex_engines}. You can override the automatically generated labels with the \key[/subobject]{label} key if needed. How to reference the labels is shown in \cref{vref}. If you want to use the full width for graphics in subobjects but less than the full width for graphics in main objects you can achieve that with %If you want a different width for `\includegraphicsubobject` and `\includegraphicobject` you could achieve that with \begin{examplecode} \objectset[figure]{graphic width = .8\linewidth} \AtBeginSubobject{\AtBeginGraphicObject{% \objectset{graphic width = \linewidth}% }} \end{examplecode} \subsection{Other subobjects} \label{subobjects-2} Use the \env{subobject} environment to combine two (or more) subobjects to one big object. The `contains subobjects` option causes the `env` option to be applied to the subobjects instead of the containing object. I am decreasing the `subobject linewidth` because the tables fill only a small part of the width so the distance between them would be too big if each was centered on `.5\linewidth`. (If you don't want to set the `subobject linewidth` to an explicit value take a look at the `subcaptionbox` option and the example provided there. Setting `subobject sep` to the desired distance and aligning the subojects with `subpage align=\raggedleft` and `subpage align=\raggedright` does not work well because `\raggedleft` and `\raggedright` do not affect the caption. The alignment of the caption could be changed with `\captionsetup{justification=raggedleft,singlelinecheck=false}` but then the caption would not be centered relative to the tabular.) Pay attention to *not* insert an empty line between the subobjects, otherwise they will be placed below each other instead of side by side. If you want them to be placed below each other you can use the `ver` option. By default subobjects do not show up in the list of tables. You can change that with `\captionsetup[sub]{list=true}`. `\captionsetup` is explained in the \pkg{caption} package documentation~\autocite{caption}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-subobject} \subsection{Longtable} \label{longtable} If you are undecided whether to use floating `tabular`s or \env{longtable}s which can break across pages you can use the following approach. Changing between them is as easy as changing `env=longtable` to `env=tabular` once. The table head and foot are set by the key `table head` and are by default formatted with the \pkg{booktabs} package. (If you don't like this you can change the definition of `table head` with `table head style`.) The column specification cannot be given as a separate argument (like in the example above) but must be set with the `arg` key because otherwise the column specification would be after the table head. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-longtable} \subsection{Local definitions in tables} \label{local-definitions-in-tables} If you want to define a command locally for one table you cannot put it's definition in the first cell because each cell is a separate group (meaning that the definition will be forgotten at the end of the cell). Instead I provide the `exec` key whose value is executed inside of the object but before `env`. If you want to tinker around with catcodes keep in mind that arguments are always read entirely before expansion and execution. The \eTeX\ primitive `\scantokens` can be useful to define active characters. If you are unfamiliar with how \TeX\ processes a file you can read up on it in \mycite[section~1]{texbytopic}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-exec} \subsection{New object style~\slash\ `tikzobject`} \label{new-object-style-tikzobject} You can easily define new object environments. For more information see \cref{new-object-styles-and-types}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-tikzobject} If you are interested in three dimensional drawing see also the \TikZ\ library \tikzlibrary{perspective} \autocite[section~63 Three Point Perspective Drawing Library]{tikz}. \subsection{New float type `diagram`} \label{exp:new-object-type} I am using `\AtEndPreamble` defined by the \pkg{etoolbox} package to defer loading of \pkg{cleveref} after \pkg{hyperref}. For more information about \pkg{cleveref} and \pkg{varioref} see \cref{vref}. I am defining `\listofdiagrams` analogous to `\listoffigures` and `\listoftables` with the help of the `\listof` command defined by the \pkg{float} package (which is loaded automatically by \pkg{easyfloats}). For more information see \cref{new-object-styles-and-types}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-new-object-style} \subsection{Split object} \label{split-object-example} If a float gets too big you can split it up with the `\splitobject` command so that the object can be broken across a page break. I am using `\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat` and `\captionsetup` to add the prefix \enquote{Continued} to the caption of the continuation as shown in the package \pkg{caption} documentation~\autocite[section~3.3 Continued floats]{caption}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-splitobject} \subsection{Custom options} \label{custom-options} This package uses the \pkg{pgfkeys} package to define the options which can be passed to the environments and commands defined by this package. Therefore you can use the usual pgfkeys handlers to add custom options. The following example defines a new key `center subcaptions` which centers the captions of all subobjects. For more information see \cref{options} and the \mycite[Utilities/Key Management]{tikz}. \inputexamplecode{../test/exp-custom-option} \subsection{Nonfloating objects} \label{nonfloating-objects} If your professor absolutely won't allow floating objects you can easily disable them globally (for all objects based on the \env{object} environment defined by this package which is internally used by \env{tableobject} and \cmd{\includegraphicobject}). \begin{examplecode} \objectset{placement=H} \end{examplecode} \subsection{How to reference objects} \label{vref} When you insert floating objects you probably want to reference them in the text. Although this package does not change anything about referencing I have added an example for the sake of completeness. The standard \LaTeX\ commands are `\ref{