% !TeX root = ../easyfloats.tex \section{License} \label{license} This package and it's documentation are distributed under the \license{lppl}, version 1.3 or later. See \filename{license.txt}. The preamble of the documentation may alternatively, at your choice, be reused under the terms of the \license{wtfpl}, version 2 or later. Additionally to the rights granted by the \LaTeX\ Project Public License you have permission to freely distribute *unmodified* copies of the files \filename{easyfloats.sty} and \filename{doc/easyfloats.pdf} without other files of this work. The other files of this work can be found at: \url{https://gitlab.com/erzo/latex-easyfloats} The examples and tests are distributed under the \license{wtfpl}, version 2 or later. See \filename{test/license.txt}.