\documentclass{icsv} %%% Some nice packages: % \usepackage[square,numbers,sort&compress]{natbib}% for better citation commands % \usepackage{hypernat}% to fix natbib/hyperref incompatibility % \usepackage{refstyle}% for better referencing commands % \usepackage{SIstyle}% for better and easy units (e.g. "m.s^{-2}") % \usepackage{subfig}% to provide for subfloats \showaffiliations \title{Title of the paper} \author[1]{A. Author} \email{A.Author@email.address} \author[1,2]{B. Buthor} \email{B.Buthor@email.address} \author[2]{C. Cuthor} \address{Name of affiliation, School/Department\\ University/Company, Country etc.} \address{Name of 2nd affiliation, School/Department\\ University/Company, Country etc.} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This is the abstract \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} This is the paper. \end{document}