%============================ MAIN DOCUMENT ================================ % define document class \documentclass[ a4paper % paper format % ,10.5pt % fontsize % ,BCOR=18mm % Binding correction ,bibliography=totoc % If enabled add bibliography to TOC ,listof=totoc % If enabled add lists to TOC % ,bilingual ,monolingual ]{bfhthesis} % KOMA-script report \usepackage[ hidelinks, pdfusetitle, ]{hyperref} \begin{document} \frontmatter \title{Bachelor's Thesis} \subtitle{Thesis subject} \author{Anton Muster \and Cindy Example} \institution{Bern University of Applied Sciences} \department{Technik und Informatik} \institute{Mikro- und Medizintechnik} \version{1.0} \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=\width]{example-image}} \advisor{Prof. Dr. Super Smart} \coadvisor{PhD A. Smart} \projectpartner{proj partner} \expert{Some expert} \degreeprogram{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science} %---------------- BFH tile page ----------------------------------------- \maketitle \addchap{Abstract} Here an abstract might be placed. %------------ TABLEOFCONTENTS ---------------- \tableofcontents %------------ START MAIN PART ---------------- \mainmatter \chapter{First chapter of the main part} \appendix \chapter{First appendix Chapter} \end{document}