achemso - Support for submissions to American Chemical Society journals ======================================================================= The `achemso` bundle provides a LaTeX class file and BibTeX style file in accordance with the requirements of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The files can be used for any documents, but have been carefully designed and tested to be suitable for submission to ACS journals. The bundle also includes the `natmove` package. This package is loaded by `achemso`, and provides automatic moving of superscript citations after punctuation. Installation ------------ The package is supplied in `.dtx` format and as a pre-extracted `.zip` file, ``. The later is most convenient for most users: simply unzip this in your local `texmf` directory. If you want to unpack the `.dtx` yourself, running `tex achemso.dtx` will extract the package whereas `latex achemso.dtx` will extract it and also typeset the documentation. Typesetting the documentation requires a number of packages in addition to those needed to use the package. This is mainly because of the number of demonstration items included in the text. To compile the documentation without error, you will need the packages: - `array` - `booktabs` - `hypdoc` - `listings` - `lmodern` - `mathpazo` - `microtype`