#! /usr/bin/env python ############################################## # Remove unnecessary index entries and merge # # other index entries to improve index # # usability. # # # # Author: Scott Pakin <scott.clsl@pakin.org> # ############################################## import argparse import collections.abc import copy import multiprocessing import re import subprocess import sys import textwrap import toml from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass class Subitem(): '''Represent an index key and an optional rendering of that key. The rendering is split into a rendering of the key proper, an optional rendering of the corresponding glyph, and optional suffix material.''' glyph_re = re.compile(r'^(.*?)\s+\((\S+)\)([^()]*)$') def __init__(self, key, latex=None): self.key = key self.full_render = latex @property def full_render(self): '''Return the render, glyph, and suffix as a single string or None if no rendering is defined.''' if self.render is None: return None if self.glyph is None: return self.render return '%s (%s)%s' % (self.render, self.glyph, self.suffix or '') @full_render.setter def full_render(self, latex): 'Parse LaTeX code into a render, glyph, and suffix.' self.render = None self.glyph = None self.suffix = None if latex is None: return match = self.glyph_re.match(latex) if match is None: self.render = latex else: self.render = match[1] if match[2] != '': self.glyph = match[2] if match[3] != '': self.suffix = match[3] def __repr__(self): return repr((self.key, self.render, self.glyph, self.suffix)) def __str__(self): if self.render is None: return self.key if self.glyph is None: return f'{self.key}={self.render}' return '%s=%s (%s)%s' % \ (self.key, self.render, self.glyph, self.suffix or '') class IndexEntry(): 'Represent a single line of an .idx file.' entry_re = re.compile(r'^\\indexentry\{(.*)\|(.*)\}\{(\d+)\}$') item_re = re.compile(r'^([^=]+)(=.*)?$') glyph_re = re.compile(r'^(.*?)\s+\((\S+)\)$') def __init__(self, ln): # Parse the line into an item, page-number formatting code, and the # page number itself. From the formatting code, extract a grouping # code, which is either "(", ")", or None. match = self.entry_re.match(ln) if match is None: raise ValueError('failed to parse %s' % repr(ln)) item_str = match[1] self.group = None self.format = match[2] if self.format[0] in ['(', ')']: self.group = self.format[0] self.format = self.format[1:] self.page = int(match[3]) self.trace = False # Used only for debugging # Parse the item into one or more sub-items. sub_gt = '*GREATER-THAN*' # Replacement for quoted ">" (i.e., "!>") item_str = item_str.replace('!>', sub_gt) subitems = [it.replace(sub_gt, '!>') for it in item_str.split('>')] # Convert each sub-item into a Subitem object. self.subitems = [] for si in subitems: match = self.item_re.match(si) if match is None: raise ValueError('failed to parse %s' % repr(ln)) render = match[2] if render is not None: render = render[1:] # Drop the "=". self.subitems.append(Subitem(match[1], render)) # To help with debugging, save the original version of the object # before rewrites. self.original = copy.deepcopy(self) def __repr__(self): return repr(([repr(si) for si in self.subitems], self.group, self.format, self.page)) def __str__(self): toks = [] toks.append('\\indexentry{') toks.append('>'.join([str(si) for si in self.subitems])) toks.append('|') if self.group is not None: toks.append(self.group) toks.append(self.format) toks.append('}{%d}' % self.page) return ''.join(toks) def prioritization_key(self): 'Return a key for use in sorting entries in priority order.' # The key first prioritizes entries using a small set of glyphs # known to look nicer than the first occurring glyph for the same # item. Then, it prioritizes all non-None glyphs. Finally, it # prioritizes all non-None renderings. subitemN = self.subitems[-1] n_subs = len(self.subitems) if all([si.render is None for si in self.subitems]): # Subitem tally, normal priority glyph, no glyph, no rendering. return (n_subs, 0, True, True) if all([si.glyph is None for si in self.subitems]): # Subitem tally, normal priority glyph, no glyph, rendering. return (n_subs, 0, True, False) for code in [ # Nicer-looking variants r'$\forall$', r'\ABXwidering', r'\worldflag{', r'\FDSYMrightangle', r'\sphericalangle', r'\Opn', # logix open delimiter r'\twemoji{27a1}', # "right arrow" r'\MNSbrace', r'\overbracket', r'\leftrightarrow', r'\FDSYMoverbrace', r'\FDSYMunderbrace', r'\overbracket', r'\underbracket', r'\overparenthesis', r'\underparenthesis', r'\shortunderlvecc', r'\shortundervecc', r'\shortvecc', r'\shortlvecc', r'\FDSYMnsubset', r'\FDSYMnsupset', r'\FDSYMnsqsubset', r'\FDSYMnsqsupset', r'\FDSYMnSqsubset', r'\FDSYMnSqsupset', r'\FiveStar', r'\officialeuro', r'\mfWireless', r'\bcfeutricolore', r'\squadlineh', r'\squadlinev', r'\squadcross', r'\squaddot', r'\SquareCastShadowBottomRight', r'\WhiteSquareG', r'\BlackSquareG', r'\FDSYMemptyset', r'\STIXAngstrom', r'\textregistered', r'\texttrademark', r'\neg', r'\exists', r'\times', r'\invamp', r'\igoblackstone', r'\MNSrightfree', r'\MNSnrightfree', r'$\prod$', r'\MVLeftBracket', r'\faQuestionCircle[regular]', r'\BlackCircleG', r'\FDSYMmedblackdiamond', r'\musSegno', r'\MNStbigostar', r'\faUserCircle[regular]', # Squares and rhombuses with arrows r'$\boxRight', r'$\boxright', r'$\boxdotRight', r'$\boxdotright', r'$\DiamondRight', r'$\Diamondright', r'$\DiamonddotRight', r'$\Diamonddotright', # Chess pieces r'\symbishop', r'\symking', r'\symknight', r'\sympawn', r'\symqueen', r'\symrook', # Halloween math r'\overrightwitchonbroom', r'\underrightwitchonbroom', r'\overrightwitchonpitchfork', r'\underrightwitchonpitchfork', r'\overrightswishingghost', r'\underrightswishingghost', r'\mathbat', # Harpoons r'\rightharpoonup', r'\STIXbarrightharpoonup', r'\STIXrightharpoonupbar', r'\ABXrightbarharpoon', r'\MNSnleftrightharpoonupdown', r'\MNSnleftrightharpoons', r'\MTOOLSxrightharpoonup', r'\longvarrightharp', r'\FDSYMnrightharpoonup', r'\ABXrightrightharpoons', # Corners r'\GOlftbotcorner', r'\GOlfttopcorner', r'\GOrtbotcorner', r'\GOrttopcorner', # Basic Greek letters with no embellishments. r'$\alpha$', r'$\beta$', r'$\gamma$', r'$\delta$', r'$\epsilon$', r'$\zeta$', r'$\eta$', r'$\theta$', r'$\iota$', r'$\kappa$', r'$\lambda$', r'$\mu$', r'$\nu$', r'$\xi$', r'$\omicron$', r'$\pi$', r'$\rho$', r'$\sigma$', r'$\tau$', r'$\upsilon$', r'$\phi$', r'$\chi$', r'$\psi$', r'$\omega$', r'\textAlpha', r'\textBeta', r'\textGamma', r'\textDelta', r'\textEpsilon', r'\textZeta', r'\textEta', r'\textTheta', r'\textIota', r'\textKappa', r'\textLambda', r'\textMu', r'\textNu', r'\textXi', r'\textOmicron', r'\textPi', r'\textRho', r'\textSigma', r'\textTau', r'\textUpsilon', r'\textPhi', r'\textChi', r'\textPsi', r'\textOmega', ]: if code in subitemN.glyph: # Subitem tally, high priority glyph, glyph, rendering. return (n_subs, -1, False, False) glyphN_lower = subitemN.glyph.lower() if 'arrow' in glyphN_lower and 'right' in glyphN_lower and \ 'left' not in glyphN_lower: # Subitem tally, high priority glyph, glyph, rendering. return (n_subs, -1, False, False) if 'triangle' in glyphN_lower and 'down' not in glyphN_lower and \ 'left' not in glyphN_lower: if 'up' in glyphN_lower or 'right' not in glyphN_lower: # Subitem tally, high priority glyph, glyph, rendering. return (n_subs, -1, False, False) else: # Subitem tally, medium priority glyph, glyph, rendering. return (n_subs, 0, False, False) if '\\usym{' in glyphN_lower: # Subitem tally, low priority glyph, glyph, rendering. return (n_subs, +1, False, False) # Subitem tally, normal priority glyph, glyph, rendering return (n_subs, 0, False, False) class EntryToTag(collections.abc.Mapping): "Map an entry's glyph to a unique tag." def __init__(self): self.glyph2tag = {} def __getitem__(self, e): 'Given an entry, return an associated tag.' # Use an existing tag if available. Otherwise create a new one. subitemN = e.subitems[-1] glyph = subitemN.glyph try: tag = self.glyph2tag[glyph] except KeyError: # Create a tag of the form "!dummy-<page>-<glyph_hash>". The # leading "!" ensures that Makeindex will sort "TAG=SYM" ahead # of "ITEM (SYM)". For example, under "man", a basic man # symbol should precede "getting haircut (<glyph>)." h = '%019x' % hash(glyph) tag = '!!dummy-%04d-%s' % \ (e.page, h[-6:]) # Escape the "!" with a second "!". self.glyph2tag[glyph] = tag return tag def __iter__(): return iter(self.glyph2tag) def __len__(): return len(self.glyph2tag) class EntryMatcher(): 'Represent a rule for matching an IndexEntry.' def __init__(self, rule): # Initialize object variables. self.compare_lowercase = rule.get('compare_lowercase', False) self.consider_all_entries = rule.get('consider_all_entries', False) self.trace = rule.get('trace', False) self.rule_type = None # Overridden by a child class self.re_match = None have_regex = False # Initialize additional object variables used only for debugging. self.rule = rule self.triggered = False mrule = rule.get('matches', []) if isinstance(mrule, str): self.remaining_matches = set([mrule]) else: self.remaining_matches = set(mrule) # Define a function for all other keys. For example, define # self.not_prefix_fail as self._make_not_contain_failure_func # applied to rule['not_prefix']. self.subject_to_function = defaultdict(lambda: []) for adverb in [None, 'not']: for subject in [ None, 'render', 'top', 'format' ]: for verb in ['matches', 'contains', 'prefix', 'regex']: toml_key = '_'.join([c for c in [adverb, subject, verb] if c is not None]) try: toml_value = rule[toml_key] factory_name = '_make_%s_failure_func' % \ '_'.join([c for c in [adverb, verb] if c is not None]) factory = getattr(self, factory_name) func = factory(toml_value) self.subject_to_function[subject].append(func) if verb == 'regex': if have_regex: raise RuntimeError('more than one regex' ' was used in rule %s' % rule) have_regex = True except KeyError: pass # Abort the program if there is not at least one function in the list. if len(self.subject_to_function) == 0: raise RuntimeError('no matching patterns found in rule %s' % rule) @staticmethod def _succeed(item): '''Return a function that itself always returns False (no match failure).''' return False @staticmethod def _make_matches_failure_func(pattern): 'Return a function that itself returns True on a match failure.' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): return lambda item: item != pattern else: pattern = set(pattern) return lambda item: all([item != p for p in pattern]) @staticmethod def _make_not_matches_failure_func(pattern): 'Return a function that itself returns False on a match failure.' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): return lambda item: item == pattern else: pattern = set(pattern) return lambda item: any([item == p for p in pattern]) @staticmethod def _make_contains_failure_func(pattern): '''Return a function that itself returns True on a containing failure.''' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): return lambda item: pattern not in item else: return lambda item: all([p not in item for p in pattern]) @staticmethod def _make_not_contains_failure_func(pattern): '''Return a function that itself returns False on a containing failure.''' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): return lambda item: pattern in item else: return lambda item: any([p in item for p in pattern]) @staticmethod def _make_prefix_failure_func(pattern): 'Return a function that itself returns True on a prefix failure.' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): return lambda item: not item.startswith(pattern) else: return lambda item: all([not item.startswith(p) for p in pattern]) @staticmethod def _make_not_prefix_failure_func(pattern): 'Return a function that itself returns False on a prefix failure.' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): return lambda item: item.startswith(pattern) else: return lambda item: any([item.startswith(p) for p in pattern]) def _make_regex_failure_func(self, pattern): '''Return a function that itself returns True on a regular-expression match failure.''' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): regex = re.compile(pattern) return lambda item: (setattr(self, 're_match', regex.search(item)), self.re_match is None)[1] else: raise ValueError('lists of regular expressions are not supported') def _make_not_regex_failure_func(self, pattern): '''Return a function that itself returns False on a regular-expression match failure.''' if pattern is None: return lambda item: False elif isinstance(pattern, str): regex = re.compile(pattern) return lambda item: (setattr(self, 're_match', regex.search(item)), self.re_match is not None)[1] else: raise ValueError('lists of regular expressions are not supported') def matches_pattern(self, entry): 'Return True if the entry matches the pattern.' # Extract the first item, final item, and final rendering code. top_item = entry.subitems[0].key item = entry.subitems[-1].key try: full_render = entry.subitems[-1].full_render or '' except IndexError: full_render = '' if self.compare_lowercase: top_item = top_item.lower() item = item.lower() full_render = full_render.lower() format = entry.format or '' # Ignore non-symbol entries unless consider_all_entries is True. if not self.consider_all_entries: if format.startswith('hyperindexformat'): # "see" and "see also" return False if '\\href' in full_render: # Package or other hyperlink return False # Return False if we do not match the IndexEntry. for subject, arg in [ (None, item), ('render', full_render), ('top', top_item), ('format', format) ]: for match_func in self.subject_to_function[subject]: if match_func(arg): return False # The rule matched the IndexEntry. Provide trace output if # requested for either the entry or the rule. if entry.trace or self.trace: sys.stderr.write('=== Trace ===\n') if entry.trace: sys.stderr.write('Trigger: entry\n') else: sys.stderr.write('Trigger: rule\n') sys.stderr.write('Entry:\n %s\n' % str(entry)) sys.stderr.write('Rule:\n') rule_str = '[[%s]]\n' % self.rule_type rule_str += toml.dumps(self.rule) sys.stderr.write(textwrap.indent(rule_str, ' ')) # As a special case for simple matches, discard the alternative # that matched. self.remaining_matches.discard(item) # Return True, and record that the rule was triggered. self.triggered = True return True class EntryTracer(EntryMatcher): 'Represent a single rule for tracing an IndexEntry.' def __init__(self, rule): super().__init__(rule) self.rule_type = 'trace' class EntryDeleter(EntryMatcher): 'Represent a single rule for deleting an IndexEntry.' def __init__(self, rule): super().__init__(rule) self.rule_type = 'delete' class EntryRewriter(EntryMatcher): 'Represent a single rule for rewriting an IndexEntry.' # Split a string into up to 10 fields. The 11th group contains all # remaining fields. fields_re = re.compile(r'(\S+)' + r'((?:\s+)\S+)?'*9 + r'(.*)$') def __init__(self, rule): super().__init__(rule) self.rule_type = 'rewrite' self.item = rule.get('item', None) self.word = rule.get('word', None) self.render = rule.get('render', None) self.lowercase_item = rule.get('lowercase_item', False) self.lowercase_word = rule.get('lowercase_word', False) self.uppercase_word = rule.get('uppercase_word', False) self.capitalize_word = rule.get('capitalize_word', False) self.pluralize_word = rule.get('pluralize_word', False) self.preserve_escapes = rule.get('preserve_escapes', False) if sum([int(e) for e in [self.lowercase_word, self.uppercase_word, self.capitalize_word]]) > 1: raise ValueError('lowercase_word, uppercase_word, and' ' capitalize_word are mutually exclusive') self.format = rule.get('format', None) self.see = rule.get('see', None) self.seealso = rule.get('seealso', None) self.stop_on_match = not rule.get('continue', False) self.convert_numbers = rule.get('convert_numbers', False) self.number_words = self.construct_number_words() if sum([int(e is not None) for e in [self.format, self.see, self.seealso]]) > 1: raise ValueError('format, see, and seealso are mutually exclusive') @staticmethod def construct_number_words(number_words=[]): '''Construct names for numbers 0-99 as a reverse-sorted list of {number, name} tuples.''' # If we were called previously, return the list from before. if number_words != []: return number_words # Define base names. units = [ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" ] specials = [ "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" ] tens = [ "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety" ] roman_units = [ "i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix" ] roman_tens = [ "x", "xx", "xxx", "xl", "l", "lx", "lxx", "lxxx", "xc" ] roman_hundreds = [ "c", "cc", "ccc", "cd", "d", "dc", "dcc", "dccc", "cm", "m" ] # Construct names for various Roman numerals. number_words.extend(zip([str(d) for d in range(1, 10)], roman_units)) number_words.extend(zip([str(d) for d in range(11, 20)], ['x' + r for r in roman_units])) number_words.extend(zip([str(d*10) for d in range(1, 10)], roman_tens)) number_words.extend(zip([str(d*100) for d in range(1, 11)], roman_hundreds)) # Construct names for the numbers 0-99. number_words.extend(zip([str(d) for d in range(20)], units + specials)) num = 19 for t in tens: num += 1 number_words.append((str(num), t)) for u in units[1:]: num += 1 number_words.append((str(num), t + u)) # Reverse the list so longer matches occur first. number_words.reverse() return number_words def _maybe_lowercase_subitem(self, si): 'Conditionally lowercase a subitem.' if self.lowercase_item: return si.lower() return si def _expand_back_refs(self, entry, s): '''Expand "\1", "\2", etc. within a string based on the current regular-expression match.''' 'Provide different means of expanding back references.' # If preserve_escapes is True, return the string unmodified. if self.preserve_escapes: return s # If the TOML regex key was not used and no back references are # present, return the string unmodified. re_match = self.re_match if re_match is None and '\\' not in s: return s # If the TOML regex key was not used and back references may be # present, construct a regular expression that maps back # references to space-separated item fields, numbered starting from # 1 and with 0 representing the entire item string. if re_match is None: item = entry.subitems[-1].key re_match = self.fields_re.match(item) # Expand back references in the given string. try: return re_match.expand(s) except re.error: raise RuntimeError('rule %s failed on entry %s' % (self.rule, entry)) @staticmethod def _clean_whitespace(s): 'Remove leading, trailing, and extra internal spaces.' return ' '.join(s.split()) def _words_to_numbers(self, s): 'Replace number words with numbers.' # Split the string based on \1. Ignore implicit matches; require # explicit regex matches. if self.re_match[1] == self.re_match[0]: return s if s in ["Epi-Olmec", "Linear B"]: return s # Ignore words containing "i" (Roman numeral 1). before, target, after = s.rpartition(self.re_match[1]) # Replace the target string with a number it matches a spelled-out # number or Roman numerals. target = target.lower() for num, word in self.number_words: if word == target: target = num break return before + target + after def rewrite(self, entry): '''Rewrite a single IndexEntry in place. Return True if the entry matched the pattern.''' # Return False if we can't rewrite the IndexEntry. if not self.matches_pattern(entry): return False # Point to the final subitem. subitemN = entry.subitems[-1] # Rewrite the IndexEntry. In this context, "word" corresponds to # Subitem.render -- the rendering of the item's key, excluding the # glyph and suffix. if self.format is not None: entry.format = self._expand_back_refs(entry, self.format) elif self.see is not None: entry.format = 'hyperindexformat{\\see{%s}}' % \ self._expand_back_refs(entry, self.see) elif self.seealso is not None: entry.format = 'hyperindexformat{\\seealso{%s}}' % \ self._expand_back_refs(entry, self.seealso) word = self.word def maybe_words_to_numbers(s): return self._words_to_numbers(s) if self.convert_numbers else s if self.item is not None: if isinstance(self.item, str): # Replace the final subitem's key. item = self._clean_whitespace(self.item) subitemN.key = \ maybe_words_to_numbers( self._maybe_lowercase_subitem( self._expand_back_refs(entry, item) ) ) else: # Replace all subitems, retaining the final glyph and suffix. full_render = subitemN.full_render entry.subitems = [ Subitem( self._clean_whitespace( maybe_words_to_numbers( self._maybe_lowercase_subitem( self._expand_back_refs(entry, k) ) ) ) ) for k in self.item ] subitemN = entry.subitems[-1] subitemN.full_render = full_render if word is None: # Specified item but unspecified word: use the final # subitem's key as the word. word = subitemN.key if word is not None: word = self._clean_whitespace(self._expand_back_refs(entry, word)) word = maybe_words_to_numbers(word) if self.lowercase_word: word = word.lower() if self.uppercase_word: word = word.upper() if self.capitalize_word: word = word.title() if self.pluralize_word: word = word + 'es' if word[-1] == 's' else word + 's' if self.item is None: # Specified word but unspecified item: use word as the key # for the final subitem. subitemN.key = word if self.render is not None: # Specified full rendering: ignore word and use that instead. subitemN.full_render = self.render elif word is not None: # Specified word but unspecified rendering: use word but # preserve glyph and suffix. subitemN.render = word return self.stop_on_match class EntryMerger(EntryMatcher): 'Represent a single rule for merging IndexEntry objects.' merge_marker = '\\textcolor{Green}{$^+$}' # Marker for merged symbols def __init__(self, state, rule): super().__init__(rule) self.rule_type = 'merge' self.state = state # Map from item to representative entry def prepare_to_merge(self, entry): '''Prepare to rewrite an entry to use the same glyph as other entries named with the same item.''' # Return False if we can't merge the IndexEntry. if not self.matches_pattern(entry): return False # Merging two or more entries requires identical subitems matched # by the same rule. key = tuple([id(self)] + [si.key for si in entry.subitems]) # Append the current entry to the list associated with the # current key. if entry.subitems[-1].suffix is not None: return True try: self.state[key].append(entry) except KeyError: self.state[key] = [entry] return True @classmethod def perform_all_merges(self, state): '''Perform all merges based on information gathered by prepare_to_merge. This method should be called only once.''' # For any key with more than two non-")" entries, mark all entries # with a "merged" suffix. for key, entries in state.items(): # The merge must be of two or more symbols, excluding ends of # ranges. no_close_entries = [e for e in entries if e.group != ')'] if len(no_close_entries) < 2: continue # Find the first non-")" entry to use as the exemplar. for e in entries: if e.group == ')': continue e.subitems[-1].suffix = self.merge_marker full_render = e.subitems[-1].full_render break # Copy the rendering used by the exemplar to all other entries. for e in entries: e.subitems[-1].full_render = full_render class EntryCreator(EntryRewriter): '''Represent a single rule for generating new entries from existing entries. This class is just like EntryRewriter except it first duplicates the entry.''' def __init__(self, rule): super().__init__(rule) self.rule_type = 'create' def create(self, entry): 'Given an entry, return a new entry or None.' # Return None if we don't match the IndexEntry. if not self.matches_pattern(entry): return None # Create a new IndexEntry to return. new_entry = copy.deepcopy(entry) if not self.rewrite(new_entry): raise RuntimeError(f'failed to rewrite entry {new_entry}') return new_entry @dataclass class Rules(): 'Represent a collection of rules of different types.' tracers: list deleters: list rewriters: list creators: list mergers: list def __post_init__(self): self.merge_state = {} ########################################################################### def process_delimiters(all_entries): '''Given a list of entries, return a list of rewriting rules and a list of deleting rules.''' # Map left delimiters to right delimiters and descriptions. delimiter_info = { '(': (')', 'parenthesis'), '[': (']', 'square brackets'), 'alas': ('alad', 'curly brace'), 'Alas': ('Alad', 'curly brace'), 'angus': ('angud', 'angle bracket'), 'Angus': ('Angud', 'angle bracket'), 'langlebar': ('ranglebar', 'angle bracket with bar'), 'langledot': ('rangledot', 'angle bracket with dot'), 'langle': ('rangle', 'angle bracket'), 'lAngle': ('rAngle', 'double angle bracket'), 'lbag': ('rbag', 'bag'), 'Lbag': ('Rbag', 'bag'), 'lblkbrbrak': ('rblkbrbrak', 'tortoise shell, filled'), 'lbrace': ('rbrace', 'curly brace'), 'lBrace': ('rBrace', 'curly brace with bar'), 'lbracklltick': ('rbracklrtick', 'square bracket with lower tick'), 'lbrack': ('rbrack', 'square bracket'), 'lBrack': ('rBrack', 'square bracket with bar'), 'lbrackubar': ('rbrackubar', 'square bracket with underbar'), 'lbrackultick': ('rbrackurtick', 'square bracket with upper tick'), 'lbrbrak': ('rbrbrak', 'tortoise shell'), 'Lbrbrak': ('Rbrbrak', 'tortoise shell with bar'), 'lceil': ('rceil', 'ceiling'), 'lCeil': ('rCeil', 'double ceiling'), 'lcorners': ('rcorners', 'corners'), 'lcurvyangle': ('rcurvyangle', 'curved angle bracket'), 'ldbrack': ('rdbrack', 'bracket with bar'), 'leftevaw': ('leftevaw', 'wavy line'), 'leftwave': ('leftwave', 'wavy line'), 'levaw': ('revaw', 'wavy line'), 'lfilet': ('rfilet', 'wavy line'), 'lFloor': ('rFloor', 'double floor'), 'lfloor': ('rfloor', 'floor'), 'lgroup': ('rgroup', 'group brace'), 'llangle': ('rrangle', 'angle bracket with bar'), 'llbracket': ('rrbracket', 'bracket with bar'), 'llceil': ('rrceil', 'double ceiling'), 'llcorner': ('lrcorner', 'lower corners'), 'llfloor': ('rrfloor', 'double floor'), 'llparenthesis': ('rrparenthesis', 'double parenthesis'), 'lmoustache': ('rmoustache', 'moustache'), 'Lparengtr': ('Rparenless', 'double parenthesis with greater/less than'), 'lparenless': ('rparengtr', 'parenthesis with less/greater than'), 'lparen': ('rparen', 'parenthesis'), 'lParen': ('rParen', 'parenthesis with bar'), 'Lparen': ('Rparen', 'parenthesis with bar'), 'lsem': ('rsem', 'bracket with bar'), 'ltriplevert': ('rtriplevert', 'triple vertical bar'), 'lVert': ('rVert', 'double vertical bar'), 'lvert': ('rvert', 'vertical bar'), 'lVvert': ('rVvert', 'triple vertical bar'), 'Lvzigzag': ('Rvzigzag', 'double zigzag'), 'lvzigzag': ('rvzigzag', 'zigzag'), 'lwave': ('rwave', 'wavy line'), 'lWavy': ('rWavy', 'double wavy line'), 'lwavy': ('rwavy', 'wavy line'), 'niv': ('vin', 'lower corners'), 'quadras': ('quadrad', 'square bracket with bar'), 'Quadras': ('Quadrad', 'square bracket with bar'), 'textlangle': ('textrangle', 'angle bracket'), 'textlbrackdbl': ('textrbrackdbl', 'square bracket with bar'), 'textlquill': ('textrquill', 'quill'), 'thickvert': ('thickvert', 'vertical bar'), 'triple<': ('triple!>', 'triple angle bracket'), 'triple[': ('triple]', 'triple square bracket'), 'ulcorner': ('urcorner', 'upper corners'), 'vert': ('vert', 'vertical bar'), 'Vert': ('Vert', 'double bar'), 'VERT': ('VERT', 'triple vertical bar'), 'Vvert': ('Vvert', 'triple vertical bar'), 'vvvert': ('vvvert', 'triple vertical bar'), } # Iterate over all entries in search of delimiters. rewrites = [] deletes = [] display_re = re.compile('^(.*)(MNS|FDSYM|STIX)d(.*)$') for e in all_entries: # Extract the key and glyph. subitemN = e.subitems[-1] glyphN = subitemN.glyph if glyphN is None: continue lKey = subitemN.key # Perform the substitution. rule = {} try: rKey, desc = delimiter_info[lKey] if lKey == 'llangle': # Special case for MnSymbol's \llangle, which is doubled, # not barred. if 'MNSdllangle' in glyphN: desc = 'double angle bracket' glyphN = '\\MNStllangle' rule['render_contains'] = glyphN except KeyError: continue lGlyph = display_re.sub(r'\1\2t\3', glyphN) rGlyph = lGlyph.replace(lKey, rKey) rGlyph = rGlyph.replace(r'\nathtriple\langle', r'\nathtriple\rangle') rule.update({ 'matches': lKey, 'item': ['delimiters', desc], 'render': '%s (%s\\graybox %s)' % (desc, lGlyph, rGlyph), 'autogenerated': True, }) rewrites.append(EntryRewriter(rule)) if rKey != lKey: deletes.append(EntryDeleter({ 'matches': rKey, 'autogenerated': True, })) return rewrites, deletes def read_logix_rewrites(): '''Map logix symbol names to symbol replacements by parsing the logix documentation. Return a list of EntryRewriters or an empty list on error.''' # Find the logix.tex file. proc = subprocess.run(['kpsewhich', '--format=doc', 'logix.tex'], capture_output=True, encoding='utf-8') if proc.returncode != 0: return [] logix_tex = proc.stdout.strip() space_slash_re = re.compile(r'\s+/\s+') def patch_desc(desc): 'Modify the item or word.' desc = desc.lower() if desc.split()[0] in ['lblack', 'lwhite']: # Non-word desc = desc[1:] desc = desc.replace('finte', 'finite') # Typo, I assume desc = desc.replace('asterick', 'asterisk') # Spelling error desc = desc.replace('long ', '') # Unnecessary desc = desc.replace('short ', '') # Unnecessary desc = desc.replace('very ', '') # Unnecessary desc = desc.replace('extra ', '') # Unnecessary desc = desc.replace(' (rule)', '') # Unnecessary desc = space_slash_re.sub('/', desc) # Nicer-looking desc = desc.replace('plus/minus', 'plus or minus') # Nicer-looking desc = desc.replace('minus/plus', 'minus or plus') # Nicer-looking return desc # Parse the logix.tex file. rules = [] with open(logix_tex) as r: for ln in r: # Map a LaTeX command to a description. fields = [f.strip() for f in ln.split('&')] if len(fields) != 3: continue item = fields[1][16:] # Ignore "{\textbackslash}". desc = fields[0] if ' em ' in desc: continue if 'End Law' in desc: continue # Don't rename *all* \End symbols to "end law". desc = patch_desc(desc) # Create an EntryRewriter corresponding to the mapping from # command to description. desc_fields = desc.split() if desc_fields[0] == 'circled': # Special case for circled symbols rules.append(EntryRewriter({ 'matches': item, 'item': ['circled symbols', ' '.join(desc_fields[1:])], 'continue': True, 'autogenerated': True })) elif desc_fields[0] == 'open': # Special case for open/close delimiters phrase = ' '.join(desc_fields[1:]) cls_item = 'Cls' + item[3:] rules.append(EntryRewriter({ 'matches': item, 'item': ['delimiters', phrase], 'render': '%s (\\%s \\graybox \\%s)' % (phrase, item, cls_item), 'autogenerated': True })) else: # Common case rules.append(EntryRewriter({ 'matches': item, 'word': desc, 'continue': 'true', 'autogenerated': True })) return rules def read_unicode_names(): 'Return a mapping from hexadecimal code to Unicode name' hex2name = {} with open('unicode.txt') as r: for ln in r: fields = ln.strip().split(None, 1) hex2name[fields[0]] = fields[1] return hex2name def auto_merge_man_woman(state, entries): '''Return a list of EntryMerger objects that merge "man..." and "woman..." emoji.''' # Construct a mapping from a noun to the entries that present "man" and # "woman" versions of that noun. noun2entries = defaultdict(lambda: []) for e in entries: # Consider only twemoji symbols. subitemN = e.subitems[-1] if subitemN.glyph is None: continue if 'twemoji' not in subitemN.glyph: continue # Consider only "man NOUN" and "woman NOUN" constructs. fields = subitemN.key.split() if len(fields) != 2: continue if fields[0] not in ['man', 'woman']: continue noun2entries[fields[1]].append(e) # Create a new EntryMerger for all entries containing exactly one "man" # and one "woman" glyph. new_merges = [] for noun, ents in noun2entries.items(): glyphs = set([e.subitems[-1].glyph for e in ents]) if len(glyphs) != 2: continue if "biking" in noun: # Other entries will be merged into these. continue genders = set([e.subitems[-1].key.split()[0] for e in ents]) if 'man' in genders and 'woman' in genders: new_merges.append(EntryMerger(state, { 'autogenerated': True, 'matches': noun, })) return new_merges def merge_top_levels(entries): 'Merge "ITEM (SYM)" into "ITEM" at the top level when SYM is unique.' # Group all entries by top-level key. key2entries = defaultdict(lambda: []) for e in entries: if e.subitems[0].glyph == 'package': # Ignore package names. continue key2entries[e.subitems[0].key].append(e) # For each key associated with a unique glyph, assign that glyph # to all top-level subitems. for key, es in key2entries.items(): # Reject certain cases. if len(es) == 1: continue # Nothing to merge hyperindex, hyperpage = False, False for e in es: if len(e.subitems) != 1: continue # Consider only entries with no subentries. if e.format.startswith('hyperpage'): hyperpage = True elif e.format.startswith('hyperindexformat'): hyperindex = True # Determine if there is a unique glyph. glyphs_sfxs = set() # Pairs of {glyph, suffix} for e in es: glyph = e.subitems[0].glyph sfx = e.subitems[0].suffix if glyph is not None: glyphs_sfxs.add((glyph, sfx)) if len(glyphs_sfxs) != 1: continue # Glyph is not unique. glyph, sfx = list(glyphs_sfxs)[0] if '\\' not in glyph: continue # Glyph is not a control word. # Find the entry whose rendering matches the unique glyph. for e in es: if e.subitems[0].glyph == glyph and e.subitems[0].suffix == sfx: full_render = e.subitems[0].full_render break # Assign the same rendering to each entry. for e in es: e.subitems[0].full_render = full_render def reformat_same_item_different_glyphs(entries): '''Rewrite "ITEM=ITEM (SYM1)" and "ITEM=ITEM (SYM2)" as "ITEM" with subitems "SYM1" and "SYM1".''' # Bin entries by item name. unmodified_entries = [] # Entries to leave alone normalized_entries = [] # Entries updated from "ITEM" to "ITEM=ITEM" key2entries = defaultdict(lambda: []) for e in entries: if len(e.subitems) != 1: unmodified_entries.append(e) continue subitemN = e.subitems[-1] if subitemN.render is None: subitemN.render = subitemN.key normalized_entries.append(e) continue if 'href' in subitemN.render: unmodified_entries.append(e) continue if subitemN.glyph is None: unmodified_entries.append(e) continue key2entries[subitemN.key].append(e) # Discard entries that should not be merged. for item, ents in key2entries.copy().items(): # Ignore items that repeat a single glyph. unique_glyphs = set([e.subitems[-1].glyph for e in ents if e.subitems[-1].glyph is not None]) if len(unique_glyphs) < 2: unmodified_entries.extend(ents) del key2entries[item] continue # Ignore items with different renderings, excluding the glyph. common_rendering = [si.render for si in ents[0].subitems] for e in ents: rendering = [si.render for si in e.subitems] if rendering != common_rendering: unmodified_entries.extend(ents) del key2entries[item] break # Rewrite the remaining entries as "ITEM>TAG=SYM" with a per-glyph TAG. ent2tag = EntryToTag() for item, ents in key2entries.items(): for e in ents: # Delete the glyph from the final subitem then append TAG as a # new subitem with rendering SYM. subitemN = e.subitems[-1] glyph = subitemN.glyph suffix = subitemN.suffix or '' subitemN.glyph = None tag = ent2tag[e] e.subitems.append(Subitem(tag, glyph + suffix)) # Return the concatenation of the modified and unmodified index entries. new_entries = [] for ents in key2entries.values(): new_entries.extend(ents) return new_entries + normalized_entries + unmodified_entries def fix_overlapping_ranges(entries): "Ensure that page ranges don't overlap." clean_entries = [] range_state = {} # Map from an item to its most recent entry. for e in all_entries: # Discard items that are not part of a page range. if len(e.subitems) != 1: clean_entries.append(e) continue if e.group is None: clean_entries.append(e) continue # Prevent adjacent open and adjacent close ranges. range_key = '>'.join([str(si) for si in e.subitems]) if e.group == '(': # Keep the oldest open range. try: prev_entry = range_state[range_key] if prev_entry.group == '(': # Keep the previous (open) entry; discard the current # (open) entry. pass elif prev_entry.group == ')': # Keep both the previous (open) and current (closed) # entries. Remember the current entry. clean_entries.append(e) range_state[range_key] = e except KeyError: # First time encountering this item. clean_entries.append(e) range_state[range_key] = e elif e.group == ')': # Keep the newest close range. try: prev_entry = range_state[range_key] if prev_entry.group == '(': # Keep both the previous (open) and current (close) # entry. Remember the current entry. clean_entries.append(e) range_state[range_key] = e elif prev_entry.group == ')': # Overwrite the previous (close) entry's page number # with the current (close) entry's page number. prev_entry.page = e.page except KeyError: # First time encountering this item, but it's erroneous # (close with no open) so we discard it. pass return clean_entries def split_second_levels(entries): '''If "ITEM1>ITEM2 (G1)" and "ITEM1>ITEM2 (G2)" are both encountered, replace them with "ITEM1>ITEM2>G1" and "ITEM1<ITEM2>G2".''' # Group all entries by the first two keys. Ignore entries without # exactly two levels. keys2entries = defaultdict(lambda: []) for e in entries: if len(e.subitems) != 2: continue keys2entries[(e.subitems[0].key, e.subitems[1].key)].append(e) # Introduce a new level if and only if more than two entries associated # with a pair of keys have a parenthesized glyph. for entries in keys2entries.values(): # Discard entries we can't split. if len(entries) == 1: continue unique_glyphs = set() for e in entries: glyph = e.subitems[-1].glyph if glyph is not None: unique_glyphs.add(glyph) if len(unique_glyphs) < 2: continue # Add a level to each entry containing just the glyph. ent2tag = EntryToTag() for e in entries: if e.subitems[-1].glyph is None: continue tag = ent2tag[e] render = e.subitems[1].glyph if e.subitems[1].suffix is not None: render += e.subitems[1].suffix si2 = Subitem(tag, render) e.subitems[1].full_render = None e.subitems.append(si2) def mark_all_items(entries): '''Globally replace "WORD=ITEM..." with "WORD=\\markboth{WORD}{WORD}ITEM...".''' for e in entries: key = e.subitems[0].key for si in e.subitems: if si.render is None or si.render == '': si.render = si.key si.render = '%s\\markboth{%s}{%s}' % (si.render, key, key) def parse_rules_from_files(toml_fnames): 'Process all TOML files into a Rules object.' # Read a list of actions from each TOML-format file. toml_data = { 'trace': [], 'delete': [], 'rewrite': [], 'create': [], 'merge': [], } for fn in toml_fnames: print('Parsing', fn) new_data = toml.load(fn) for key in toml_data: try: toml_data[key].extend(new_data[key]) except KeyError: pass rules = Rules([], [], [], [], []) # Convert each trace entry to an EntryMatcher. try: for t in toml_data['trace']: rules.tracers.append(EntryTracer(t)) except KeyError: pass # Convert each delete entry to an EntryDeleter. try: for d in toml_data['delete']: rules.deleters.append(EntryDeleter(d)) except KeyError: pass # Convert each rewrite entry to an EntryRewriter. try: for rw in toml_data['rewrite']: rules.rewriters.append(EntryRewriter(rw)) except KeyError: pass # Convert each create entry to an EntryCreator. try: for cr in toml_data['create']: rules.creators.append(EntryCreator(cr)) except KeyError: pass # Convert each merge entry to an EntryMerger. try: for m in toml_data['merge']: rules.mergers.append(EntryMerger(rules.merge_state, m)) except KeyError: pass # Return the collection of rules. return rules def report_unused(rules): 'Report all unused rules, excluding autogenerated ones.' for r in rules: if r.rule.get('autogenerated', False): continue if r.triggered and r.remaining_matches != set(): sys.stderr.write('=== Partially triggered ===\n') sys.stderr.write('Rule:\n') rule_str = '[[%s]]\n' % r.rule_type rule_str += toml.dumps(r.rule) sys.stderr.write(textwrap.indent(rule_str, ' ')) sys.stderr.write('Remaining:\n') rem_str = ',\n'.join([repr(m) for m in sorted(r.remaining_matches)]) + '\n' sys.stderr.write(textwrap.indent(rem_str, ' ')) continue if not r.triggered: sys.stderr.write('=== Untriggered ===\n') sys.stderr.write('Rule:\n') rule_str = '[[%s]]\n' % r.rule_type rule_str += toml.dumps(r.rule) sys.stderr.write(textwrap.indent(rule_str, ' ')) ########################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse the command line. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='prune-idx', description='Delete, merge, and rewrite index entries.') parser.add_argument('index_file', help='.idx file to modify') parser.add_argument('toml_files', nargs='+', help='one or more TOML files of modification rules') parser.add_argument('--report-unused', action='store_true', help='report rules that never triggered') cl_args = parser.parse_args() # Parse the index file into a list of IndexEntry objects. all_entries = [] with open(cl_args.index_file) as r: for ln in r: all_entries.append(IndexEntry(ln)) # Read a list of actions from all of the TOML files. rules = parse_rules_from_files(cl_args.toml_files) # Prepend logix symbols to the rewriters. Other rewriters will rewrite # some of these. rules.rewriters = read_logix_rewrites() + rules.rewriters # Automatically merge "man" and "woman" emoji because they tend to look # extremely similar. rules.mergers.extend(auto_merge_man_woman(rules.merge_state, all_entries)) # Handle delimiters specially. all_entries.sort(key=lambda e: e.prioritization_key()) print('Preparing to process %d index entries' % len(all_entries)) more_rewriters, more_deleters = process_delimiters(all_entries) rules.rewriters.extend(more_rewriters) rules.deleters.extend(more_deleters) def apply_tracers(entry): '''Apply trace-creation rules until one succeeds. In that case, set the entry's trace flag to True. Otherwise return the entry unmodified.''' for t in rules.tracers: if t.matches_pattern(entry): entry.trace = True return entry return entry # Trace entries for debug purposes. print('Applying [[trace]] rules (%d)' % len(rules.tracers)) with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: all_entries = pool.map(apply_tracers, all_entries) def apply_deleters(entry): '''Apply entry-deleting rules until one succeeds. In that case return None. Otherwise return the entry unmodified.''' for d in rules.deleters: if d.matches_pattern(entry): return None return entry # Delete uninteresting entries. print('Applying [[delete]] rules (%d)' % len(rules.deleters)) if cl_args.report_unused: # Sequential but allowing rule updates pruned_entries = [apply_deleters(e) for e in all_entries] report_unused(rules.deleters) else: # Parallel but with read-only rules with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: pruned_entries = pool.map(apply_deleters, all_entries) all_entries = [e for e in pruned_entries if e is not None] def apply_rewriters(entry): 'Apply entry-rewriting rules until one succeeds.' for rw in rules.rewriters: if rw.rewrite(entry): return entry return entry # Rewrite utfsym symbols in place. This is faster than appending # EntryRewriters to the rewriters list. print('Applying [[rewrite]] rules (%d)' % len(rules.rewriters)) hex2name = read_unicode_names() utfsym_re = re.compile(r'^usym\{([0-9A-F]+)\}$') for e in all_entries: key = e.subitems[0].key match = utfsym_re.match(key) if match is None: continue cp = match[1].lstrip('0') name = hex2name[cp] e.subitems[0].key = name e.subitems[0].full_render = '%s (\\usym{%s})' % (name, cp) # Apply the rewriting actions to each entry, stopping on the first match. if cl_args.report_unused: # Sequential but allowing rule updates all_entries = [apply_rewriters(e) for e in all_entries] report_unused(rules.rewriters) else: # Parallel but with read-only rules with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: all_entries = pool.map(apply_rewriters, all_entries) # Rewrite "NUM..." to use only "NUM" as the key. Doing so indexes # terms like "8 ball" under Numbers instead of Symbols. initial_num_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+)(\D.*)$') for e in all_entries: match = initial_num_re.match(e.subitems[0].key) if match is None: continue e.subitems.insert(0, Subitem(match[1])) def apply_creators(entry): 'Apply all entry-creating rules to the current entry.' new_entries = [] for cr in rules.creators: e = cr.create(entry) if e is not None: new_entries.append(e) return new_entries # Apply the creating actions to each entry, stopping on the first match. print('Applying [[create]] rules (%d)' % len(rules.creators)) if cl_args.report_unused: # Sequential but allowing rule updates all_entries.extend([e for es in [apply_creators(entry) for entry in all_entries] for e in es]) report_unused(rules.creators) else: # Parallel but with read-only rules with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: all_entries.extend([e for es in pool.map(apply_creators, all_entries) for e in es]) # The next few stanzas all pertain to merging. print('Applying [[merge]] rules (%d)' % len(rules.mergers)) # Move index entries with no specified glyph or rendering to the end of # the list so merges see any glyphs first. Also, move certain entries # to the beginning of the list so their glyphs are used instead of the # glyph that appears first in the document. all_entries.sort(key=lambda e: e.prioritization_key()) # Remove duplicates before merging. Otherwise, duplicate entries will # be marked as having multiple glyphs when they in fact have only one. entries_seen = set() unique_entries = [] for e in all_entries: e_str = str(e) if e_str in entries_seen: continue unique_entries.append(e) entries_seen.add(e_str) all_entries = unique_entries # Merge glyphs that are essentially just font variants, stopping on the # first match for each entry. for e in all_entries: for m in rules.mergers: if m.prepare_to_merge(e): break if cl_args.report_unused: report_unused(rules.mergers) EntryMerger.perform_all_merges(rules.merge_state) # Replace top-level "ITEM" entries with "ITEM (SYM)" when both exist # and SYM is unique. merge_top_levels(all_entries) # The next few stanzas all pertain to cleanup. print('Cleaning up the index') # Use subitems for different glyphs corresponding to the same item. all_entries = reformat_same_item_different_glyphs(all_entries) # Clean up the index by simplifying "ITEM=ITEM" to just "ITEM". In many # cases this enables Makeindex to merge entries with and without subitems. for e in all_entries: for si in e.subitems: if si.key == si.full_render: si.full_render = None # Clean up the index by making all "see" and "see also" entries point # to the same page (0). The prevents Makeindex from generating # multiple "see" or "see also" entries per entry. for e in all_entries: if e.format.startswith("hyperindexformat{\\see"): e.page = 0 # Fix overlapping page ranges. all_entries = fix_overlapping_ranges(all_entries) # Split repeated second-level terms into third levels. split_second_levels(all_entries) # Insert a \markboth{...}{...} into every entry. mark_all_items(all_entries) # Overwrite the input file with all remaining entries. print('Writing %d entries' % len(all_entries)) with open(cl_args.index_file, 'w') as w: for e in all_entries: w.write('%s\n' % str(e))