-- $Id: fntbuild-check.lua 10834 2025-02-20 18:57:33Z cfrees $ ------------------------------------------------- -- fntbuild-check ------------------------------------------------- -- writes lvt files -- ensures build products are available -- enforces sandbox if checksearch is false ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- local copio = fnt.copio ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- local test {{{ ---Generates lvt files for l3build check from fds and template. ---@param fntpkgname string ---@param fds table ---@param content string ---@param maps table ---@param fdsdir string ---@return 0 on success, error level otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function test (fntpkgname,fds,content,maps,fdsdir) local coll = "" -- suffix ly -> ly1 ; no suffix -> t1 local collly = "" local targname = fntpkgname .. "-auto-test.lvt" local targnamely = fntpkgname .. "-auto-test-ly1.lvt" local targfile = unpackdir .. "/" .. targname local targfilely = unpackdir .. "/" .. targnamely -- ly1 boolean local yy = 0 -- texnansi/ly1 fds local lys = {} -- ec/t1 fds local ecs = {} -- local mapsly = "" print("Creating test file for", fntpkgname, "with fds: ") for i, j in ipairs(fds) do print(" fd:", j) end print("\n") -- l3build-tagging.lua for i, j in ipairs(fds) do -- local errorlevel = cp(j, fnt.keepdir, unpackdir) if string.match(j,"^ly1") then yy = 1 table.insert(lys,j) else table.insert(ecs,j) end if fdsdir ~= unpackdir then local errorlevel = cp(j, fdsdir, unpackdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Copy ", j, errorlevel) return errorlevel end end end -- restart so we get the filtered list (hopefully) for i, j in ipairs(ecs) do j = unpackdir .. "/" .. j for line in io.lines(j) do -- it would be much better to filter the file list ... if string.match(line, "^\\DeclareFontShape%{[^%}]*%}%{[^%}]*%}%{[^%}]*%}%{[^%}]*%}%{$") then coll = (coll .. string.gsub(string.gsub(line,"%{$","%%%%"), "^\\DeclareFontShape%{([^%}]*)%}%{([^%}]*)%}%{([^%}]*)%}%{([^%}]*)%}", "\n\\TEST{test-%1-%2-%3-%4}{%%%%\n \\sampler{%1}{%2}{%3}{%4}%%%%\n}")) end end end if yy == 1 then for i, j in ipairs(lys) do j = unpackdir .. "/" .. j for line in io.lines(j) do -- it would be much better to filter the file list ... if string.match(line, "^\\DeclareFontShape%{[^%}]*%}%{[^%}]*%}%{[^%}]*%}%{[^%}]*%}%{$") then collly = (collly .. string.gsub(string.gsub(line,"%{$","%%%%"), "^\\DeclareFontShape%{([^%}]*)%}%{([^%}]*)%}%{([^%}]*)%}%{([^%}]*)%}", "\n\\TEST{test-%1-%2-%3-%4}{%%%%\n \\sampler{%1}{%2}{%3}{%4}%%%%\n}")) end end end -- changes to no. of lines here affect logs if they include non-normalised line nos coll = "\n%% map file lines in local pdftex.map\n\\usepackage[enc=t1]{" .. fntpkgname .. "}\n\\begin{document}\n\\START\n" .. coll .. "\n\\END\n\\end{document}\n" collly = "\n%% map file lines in local pdftex.map\n\\usepackage[enc=ly1]{" .. fntpkgname .. "}\n\\begin{document}\n\\START\n" .. collly .. "\n\\END\n\\end{document}\n" else -- assume package doesn't have an encoding option and is t1/ts1 only coll = "\n%% map file lines in local pdftex.map\n\\usepackage{" .. fntpkgname .. "}\n\\begin{document}\n\\START\n" .. coll .. "\n\\END\n\\end{document}\n" end local new_content = "%% Do not edit this file as changes will be overwritten.\n%% It was generated by l3build on " .. os.date("%Y-%M-%d %H:%m:%S") .. ".\n" .. string.gsub(content, "\nSAMP *\n", coll) local f = assert(io.open(targfile,"w")) f:write((string.gsub(new_content,"\n",fnt.os_newline_cp))) f:close() if yy == 1 then new_content = "%% Do not edit this file as changes will be overwritten.\n%% It was generated by l3build on " .. os.date("%Y-%M-%d %H:%m:%S") .. ".\n" .. string.gsub(content, "\nSAMP *\n", collly) local f = assert(io.open(targfilely,"w")) -- this somehow removes the second value returned by string.gsub?? f:write((string.gsub(new_content,"\n",fnt.os_newline_cp))) f:close() end -- PAID Â CHEISIO YR ISOD!! -- cp(targname,unpackdir,testfiledir) local errorlevel = cp(targname,unpackdir,testdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Attempt to copy ", targname, errorlevel) end errorlevel = cp(targnamely,unpackdir,testdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Attempt to copy ", targnamely, errorlevel) end return fnt.nifergwall end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- redefine l3build function ------------------------------------------------- -- local check_init {{{ ---Additional setup for testing tailored to font packages. ---@return 0 on success, error level otherwise ---@see l3build ---@usage N/A local function check_init () local filename = fnt.testtemp local regfile = fnt.regress local file = unpackdir .. "/" .. filename -- local fnttestdir = maindir .. "/fnt-tests" local maps = "" local mapfiles=filelist(fnt.keepdir, "*.map") local mapsdir = "" local fdsdir = "" -- local adds = checksuppfiles_addlst or maindir .. "/checksuppfiles-add.lst" if not checksearch then fnt.map_cat_sys(fnt.mapfiles_sys,testdir) end -- how did this ever work? for _,i in ipairs(filelist(fnt.keepdir)) do if i ~= "." and i ~= ".." then local errorlevel = cp(i,fnt.keepdir,testdir) fnt.gwall("Copying ",i,errorlevel) end end if not checksearch then print("\nAssuming some basic files should be available during testing.\n\nAdding files to", testdir, "from") if #fnt.checksuppfiles_sys == 0 then fnt.checksuppfiles_sys = { "/tex/latex/base/article.cls", "/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty", "/tex/latex/base/omlcmm.fd", "/tex/latex/base/omlcmr.fd", "/tex/latex/base/omscmr.fd", "/tex/latex/base/omscmsy.fd", "/tex/latex/base/omxcmex.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ot1cmr.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ot1cmss.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ot1cmtt.fd", "/tex/latex/base/size10.clo", "/tex/latex/base/size11.clo", "/tex/latex/base/size12.clo", "/tex/latex/base/t1cmr.fd", "/tex/latex/base/t1cmss.fd", "/tex/latex/base/t1cmtt.fd", "/tex/latex/base/tracefnt.sty", "/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ts1cmss.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ts1cmtt.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ucmr.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ucmss.fd", "/tex/latex/base/ucmtt.fd", "/tex/latex/l3build", "/tex/latex/l3backend", "/tex/latex/fonttable/fonttable.sty", "/fonts/enc/dvips/base", "/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super", "/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm", "/fonts/type1/public/cm-super", "/fonts/tfm/public/cm", "/fonts/tfm/jknappen/ec", } end copio(fnt.checksuppfiles_sys,testdir,"TEXMFDIST") if fileexists(testdir .. "/" .. regfile) then print("Using regression tests from " .. testdir .. "/" .. regfile .. ".\n") elseif fileexists(unpackdir .. "/" .. regfile) then cp(regfile,unpackdir,testdir) print("Using regression tests from " .. unpackdir .. "/" .. regfile .. ".\n") else table.insert(fnt.checksuppfiles_add,regfile) print("Adding " .. regfile .. "to fnt.checksuppfiles_add.\n") end if #fnt.checksuppfiles_add ~= 0 then local str = kpse.var_value("TEXMFDIST") if string.match(str,"%-") then str = string.gsub(str,"%-","%%-") end for _,j in ipairs(fnt.checksuppfiles_add) do if string.match(j,"^/") then copio({j},testdir,"TEXMFDIST") else local jpath = kpse.lookup(j) if jpath ~= nil then local jdir = dirname(jpath) if string.match(jdir,"^" .. str) then print(" " .. jpath) local errorlevel = cp(j,jdir,testdir) fnt.gwall("Copying ",j,errorlevel) else fnt.gwall("Restricted search for ",j,1) end else fnt.gwall("Finding ",j,errorlevel) end end end end end -- setup & test creation if #mapfiles == 0 then mapfiles=filelist(unpackdir, "*.map") if #mapfiles == 0 then fnt.gwall("Attempt to find map files ", ".map", 1) return 1 else print("\nUsing maps from", unpackdir) mapsdir = unpackdir end else mapsdir = fnt.keepdir print("\nUsing maps from", fnt.keepdir) end assert(fnt.map_cat_pkg(mapfiles,mapsdir,testdir),"Could not concatenate new maps!") local fntpkgnames = fntpkgnames or filelist(unpackdir,"*.sty") for i, j in ipairs(fntpkgnames) do fntpkgnames[i] = string.gsub(j,"%.sty","") end ------- local autotestfdstmp = filelist(fnt.keepdir, "*.fd") -- if they're not kept, they may be source (e.g. berenisadf) if #autotestfdstmp == 0 then autotestfdstmp = filelist(unpackdir, "*.fd") if #autotestfdstmp == 0 then fnt.gwall("Attempt to find fd files ", ".fd", 1) return 1 else fdsdir = unpackdir print("Using fds from", unpackdir) end else fdsdir = fnt.keepdir print("Using fds from", fnt.keepdir) end if #autotestfdstmp == 0 then print("Something is amiss - this code should never be executed!") fnt.gwall("Attempt to locate fd files ", ".fd", 1) elseif #fnt.autotestfds == 0 then for i, j in ipairs(autotestfdstmp) do if not ( string.match(j,"^ts1") or string.match(j,"^u") ) then table.insert (fnt.autotestfds, j) end end end ------- -- if fntestfds. has been specified, use that (should be a table) -- o/w assign the fnt.autotestfds table to fntestfds. -- but remember fnt.fnttestfds may be pairs and/or ipairs ... -- there must be a better way to do this ... if #fnt.fnttestfds == 0 then print("\n#fnt.fnttestfds:", #fnt.fnttestfds) if #fnt.autotestfds ~= 0 then print("#fnt.autotestfds:",#fnt.autotestfds) for i,j in ipairs(fntpkgnames) do if fnt.fnttestfds[j] == nil then print("Auto-assigning fnt.autotestfds to fnt.fnttestfds[" .. j .. "] ...\n") fnt.fnttestfds[j] = {} for a,b in ipairs(fnt.autotestfds) do table.insert(fnt.fnttestfds[j],b) end end end end else local testmes = {} for i,j in ipairs(fnt.fnttestfds) do table.insert(testmes,j) end for i, j in ipairs(fntpkgnames) do -- I really don't understand tables (and I know this is very, very basic) if fnt.fnttestfds[j] == nil then fnt.fnttestfds[j] = {} -- use only if fnt.fnttestfds isn't specified either as table of tables or -- table of files/globs -- this doesn't seem very robust for k, l in ipairs(testmes) do table.insert (fnt.fnttestfds[j], l) end end end end ------- if next(fnt.fnttestfds) == nil then print("Skipping test creation.\n") else print("Creating (additional) test file(s).\n") if not fileexists(unpackdir .. "/" .. filename) then if fileexists(testdir .. "/" .. filename) then cp(filename,testdir,unpackdir) print("Using local " .. filename .. " from " .. testdir .. "...\n") elseif fileexists(localdir .. "/" .. filename) then cp(filename,localdir,unpackdir) print("Using " .. filename .. " from " .. localdir .. "...\n") else local ffeil = kpse.find_file(filename) if ffeil ~= nil then cp(filename,dirname(ffeil),unpackdir) print("Using " .. filename .. " from " .. dirname(ffeil) .. " ...\n") else print("Skipping test creation. This is probably not what you want if I've come this far.\n") filename = 0 fnt.gwall("Copy ", filename, 1) end end else print("Using local " .. filename .. " ...\n") end if filename ~= 0 then -- need to get content here -- copy this from l3build-tagging.lua local f = assert(io.open(file,"rb")) local content = f:read("*all") f:close() -- ought to normalise line endings here -- copied from l3build -- but I don't understand why the first subs is needed -- is it a problem if the file doesn't end with a newline? content = string.gsub(content .. (string.match(content,"\n$") and "" or "\n"), "\r\n", "\n") content = string.gsub(content, "\\RequirePackage%{svn%-prov%}\n\\ProvidesFileSVN%{[^%}]*%}%[[^%]]*%]%[[^%]]*%]\n", "") for i, j in ipairs(fntpkgnames) do -- create the test file for each package -- errorlevel = test(j,fnt.fnttestfds[j],content,maps) -- dyw fnt.fnttestfds.j ddim yn gweithio yma!! errorlevel = test(j,fnt.fnttestfds[j],content,maps,fdsdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Font test creation ", j, errorlevel) return errorlevel end end rm(unpackdir,filename) end end if not checksearch then local localtexmf = fnt.localtexmf() checkopts = checkopts .. " --cnf-line=TEXMFAUXTREES={} --cnf-line=TEXMFHOME={} --cnf-line=TEXMFLOCAL={} --cnf-line=TEXMFCONFIG=. --cnf-line=TEXMFVAR=. --cnf-line=VFFONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=TFMFONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=TEXFONTMAPS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=T1FONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=AFMFONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=TTFFONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=OPENTYPEFONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=LIGFONTS=." .. localtexmf .. " --cnf-line=ENCFONTS=." .. localtexmf end return 0 end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- exports {{{ fnt.checkinit_hook = check_init fnt.test = test -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:foldmethod=marker: