-- $Id: fntbuild-build.lua 10818 2025-02-19 05:44:13Z cfrees $ ------------------------------------------------- -- fntbuild-build ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- buildinit_hook ---@return 0 ---@usage public local function buildinit_hook () return 0 end ------------------------------------------------- -- buildinit {{{ -- hack copy of checkinit() ---@return 0 on success, error level otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function buildinit () cleandir(fnt.fntdir) -- l3build never cleans this by default? cleandir(localdir) fnt.dep_install (fnt.builddeps) -- is this a appropriate? better not? for i,j in ipairs(filelist(localdir)) do cp(j,localdir,fnt.fntdir) end print("Unpacking ...\n") -- direct usage is legitimate ... -- https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/66617079#66617079 assert(unpack(),"Unpacking failed in buildinit()!") for i,j in ipairs(fnt.buildfiles) do cp(j,unpackdir,fnt.fntdir) end if #fnt.buildsuppfiles_sys ~= 0 then for _,j in ipairs(fnt.buildsuppfiles_sys) do if fileexists(j) then cp(basename(j),dirname(j),fnt.fntdir) else local jpath = kpse.find_file(j) if jpath == nil then jpath = kpse.lookup(j) end if jpath == nil then fnt.gwall("Locating ",j,1) end local jdir = dirname(jpath) cp(j,jdir,fnt.fntdir) end end end if fnt.needs_fontinst then local path = kpse.var_value("TEXMFDIST") .. "/tex/fontinst" local t = fnt.lsrdir(path) for _,i in ipairs(t) do local s = i if string.match(i,"^fontscripts%-") then s = (string.gsub(i,"^fontscripts%-","")) end local file = kpse.find_file(i) if not fileexists(fnt.fntdir .. "/" .. i) then cp(basename(file),dirname(file),fnt.fntdir) if i ~= s and not fileexists(fnt.fntdir .. "/" .. s) then ren(fnt.fntdir,i,s) table.insert(fnt.buildsuppfiles_sys,s) else table.insert(fnt.buildsuppfiles_sys,i) end end end print("Copied fontinst files to " .. fnt.fntdir) end -- if not fnt.buildsearch then -- -- we aren't typesetting, so we really don't need a map file -- -- not sure this is really needed - do any tools use this anyway? -- -- https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Create_a_file -- io.open(fnt.fntdir .. "/pdftex.map", "w"):close() -- end print("Initialised build.") return fnt.buildinit_hook() end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- build_tidy {{{ ---@usage public ---@return 0 on success, errorlevel otherwise local function build_tidy () print("Tidying up build directory ...\n") for _,i in ipairs(fnt.buildsuppfiles_sys) do local errorlevel = rm(fnt.fntdir,i) fnt.gwall("Removal of ",fnt.fntdir .. "/" .. i,errorlevel) end return 0 end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- build_fnt {{{ ---@param file string ---@param cmd string ---@param file string ---@return 0 on success, error level otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function build_fnt (dir,cmd,file) file = file or "" cmd = cmd or "" dir = dir or fnt.fntdir local build_fnt_env = fnt.build_fnt_env or {} local build_fnt_envset = "" if #build_fnt_env ~= 0 then for _,i in ipairs(build_fnt_env) do build_fnt_envset = build_fnt_envset .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " " .. i end end -- steal from l3build-check.lua local preamble = -- would it be simpler to copy the typesetting sandbox here? -- paths in the logs don't matter and copying localdir complicates things a bit -- No use of localdir here as the files get copied to testdir: -- avoids any paths in the logs os_setenv .. " TEXINPUTS=." .. fnt.localtexmf() .. (fnt.buildsearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. -- no need for LUAINPUTS here -- but we need to set more variables ...?! (fnt.buildsearch and "" or (os_setenv .. " TEXMFAUXTREES={}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TEXMFHOME={}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TEXMFLOCAL={}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TEXMFCONFIG=." .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TEXMFVAR=." .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " VFFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TFMFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TEXFONTMAPS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " T1FONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " AFMFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " TTFFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " OPENTYPEFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " LIGFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}" .. os_concat .. os_setenv .. " ENCFONTS=${TEXINPUTS}") ) .. build_fnt_envset .. os_concat local errorlevel = runcmd( preamble .." " .. cmd .. " " .. file, dir ) fnt.gwall(cmd,file,errorlevel) return errorlevel end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- fntkeeper {{{ ---@param dir string ---@return 0 on success, error level otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function fntkeeper (dir) dir = dir or fnt.fntdir if fileexists(dir .. "/pdftex.map") then local errorlevel = rm(dir,"pdftex.map") fnt.gwall("Removing ","pdftex.map",errorlevel) end local rtn = direxists(fnt.keepdir) if not rtn then local errorlevel = mkdir(fnt.keepdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then print("DO NOT BUILD STANDARD TARGETS WITHOUT RESOLVING!!\n") fnt.gwall("Attempt to create directory ", fnt.keepdir, errorlevel) end else local errorlevel = cleandir(fnt.keepdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then print("KEEP CONTAMINATED!\n") fnt.gwall("Attempt to clean directory ",fnt.keepdir,errorlevel) end end local keepdir = abspath(fnt.keepdir) -- abspath requires existence if fnt.keepfiles ~= {} then for i,j in ipairs(fnt.keepfiles) do local rtn = cp(j, dir, keepdir) if rtn ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Copy ", j, errorlevel) print("DO NOT BUILD STANDARD TARGETS WITHOUT RESOLVING!\n") end end else print("ARE YOU SURE YOU DON'T WANT TO KEEP THE FONTS??!!\n") end if fnt.keeptempfiles ~= {} then rtn = direxists(fnt.keeptempdir) if not rtn then local errorlevel = mkdir(fnt.keeptempdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Attempt to create directory ", fnt.keeptempdir, errorlevel) end else local errorlevel = cleandir(fnt.keeptempdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then print("keeptemp contaminated!\n") fnt.gwall("Attempt to clean directory ",fnt.keeptempdir,errorlevel) end end for i,j in ipairs(fnt.keeptempfiles) do local errorlevel = cp(j,dir,fnt.keeptempdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Copy ", j, errorlevel) end end end return fnt.nifergwall end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- fnt_subset {{{ ---@params fd, family, fnt.subset ---@usage private local function fnt_subset (fd,fam,subset) local defn = string.gsub(fnt.subsettemplate,"%$FONTFAMILY",fam) defn = string.gsub(defn,"%$SUBSET",subset) local f = assert(io.open(fnt.fntdir .. "/" .. fd, "rb")) local content = f:read("*all") f:close() local patt if string.match(content, "\\endinput") then patt = "(\\endinput)" else patt = "()$" end f = assert(io.open(fnt.fntdir .. "/" .. fd, "w")) f:write("%% Encoding subset declaration added by fontscripts\n", (string.gsub(content,patt,"\n\n" .. defn .. "\n\n%1")) ) f:close() return 0 -- how to make this return an error level? end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- -- fntsubsetter {{{ ---@param ---@description add encoding fnt.subset definitions for TS1 if applicable and requested ---@return 0 on success, error level or 1 otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function fntsubsetter () local tcsubset = tcsubset or "9" if fnt.subset == nil or fnt.subset == false then return 0 end local subsetfiles = fnt.subsetfiles or {} if type(subsetfiles) == "string" and subsetfiles ~= "auto" then local s = subsetfiles subsetfiles = { s } end if #subsetfiles == 0 then for i in lfs.dir(fnt.fntdir) do -- we avoid using filelist() here because it doesn't support char sets if string.match(i, "^[Tt][Ss]1.*%.fd$") then table.insert(subsetfiles,i) end end end if #subsetfiles == 0 then return 0 end for _, i in ipairs(subsetfiles) do local fam = string.gsub(i, "^[Tt][Ss]1(.+)%.fd$", "%1") local s = fnt.subsetdefns[fam] or tcsubset local errorlevel = fnt_subset(i,fam,s) fnt.gwall("Inserting TS1 subset definition ",i,errorlevel) end return fnt.nifergwall end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- uniquify {{{ -- oherwydd fy mod i bron ag anfon pob un ac mae'n amlwg fy mod i wedi anfon -- bacedi heb ei wneud hwn yn y gorffennol, well i mi wneud rhywbeth (scriptiau -- gwneud-cyhoeddus a make-public yn argraffu rhybudd os encs yn y cymysg -- (cymraeg yn ofnadwy hefyd) ---@param tag string ---@return 0 on success, error level or 1 otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function uniquify (tag) local dir = "" tag = tag or fnt.encodingtag or "" local pkgbase = fnt.pkgbase or "" local pkglist = {} if fnt.standalone then dir = fnt.keepdir else dir = fnt.fntdir end -- if fileexists(dir .. "/pdftex.map") then -- print("\nRemoving temporary pdftex.map from ", dir, "...\n") -- local errorlevel = rm(dir,"pdftex.map") -- fnt.gwall("Removing ","pdftex.map",errorlevel) -- end if pkgbase == "" then print("pkgbase unspecified. Trying to guess ... ") if not fnt.standalone then pkglist = filelist(dir,"*.sty") if #pkglist == 0 then pkglist = filelist(unpackdir,"*.sty") end if #pkglist ~= 0 then pkgbase = string.gsub(pkglist[1], "%.sty", "") print("Guessing ", pkgbase) end end end if pkgbase == "" then if ctanpkg ~= module and module ~= "" and module ~= nil then print("Guessing ", module) pkgbase = module else pkgbase = string.gsub(ctanpkg, "adf$", "") if pkgbase ~= "" then print("Guessing ", pkgbase) end end end if pkgbase == "" then pkgbase = "NotAMatchAtAll" fnt.gwall("Guessing pkgbase ","",1) end local encs = encs or filelist(dir,"*.enc") local maps = maps or filelist(dir,"*.map") print("Uniquifying encodings ... ") for _,i in ipairs(encs) do print(" ", i) end print("\nUniquifying maps ... ") for _,i in ipairs(maps) do print(" ", i) end print(" ...\n") if #encs == 0 then return 0 elseif tag == "" then if #maps ~= 0 then if #maps == 1 then tag = string.gsub(maps[1],"%.map$","") else local t = "" local tt = "" for i,j in ipairs(maps) do if tt == t then tt = string.gsub(j,"%w%.map$","") elseif t == "" then t = string.gsub(j,"%w%.map$","") end end if t == tt then tag = tt else fnt.gwall("Attempt to find tag ","",1) end end end if tag ~= "" then for i, j in ipairs(encs) do if string.match(j,"-" .. tag .. "%.enc$") or string.match(j, module) or string.match(j,ctanpkg) or string.match(j,pkgbase) or string.match(j, string.gsub(module, "adf", "")) then print(j, "... OK\n") else local targenc = (string.gsub(j,"%.enc$","-" .. tag .. ".enc")) print("Target encoding is", targenc, "\n") if fileexists(dir .. "/" .. targenc) then fnt.gwall("Target encoding exists !! ", targenc, 1) return 1 else local f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. j,"rb")) local content = f:read("*all") f:close() local new_content = (string.gsub(content, "(\n%%%%BeginResource: encoding fontinst%-autoenc[^\n ]*)( *\n/fontinst%-autoenc[^ %[]*)( %[)", "\n%% Encoding renamed by fontscripts\n\n%1-" .. tag .. "%2-" .. tag .. "%3" )) if new_content ~= content then print("Writing unique encoding to ", targenc) f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. targenc,"w")) -- remove the second value returned by string.gsub f:write((string.gsub(new_content,"\n",fnt.os_newline_cp))) f:close() if fileexists(dir .. "/" .. targenc) then local errorlevel = rm(dir,j) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Attempt to rm old encoding ",j,errorlevel) end if #maps ~= 0 then local jpatt = string.gsub(j,"%-","%%-") jpatt = string.gsub(jpatt,"%.","%%.") for k,m in ipairs(maps) do f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. m,"rb")) local mcontent = f:read("*all") f:close() local new_mcontent = (string.gsub(mcontent, "(%<%[?)" .. jpatt .. "( %<%w+%.pfb \" fontinst%-autoenc[%w%-_]*)( ReEncodeFont)", "%1" .. targenc .. "%2-" .. tag .. "%3" )) if new_mcontent ~= mcontent then print("Writing adjusted map lines to ", m) f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. m,"w")) -- remove the second value returned by string.gsub f:write("%% Encodings renamed by fontscripts\n", (string.gsub(new_mcontent,"\n",fnt.os_newline_cp))) f:close() else print("Nothing to do for ", m, ".\n") end end else print("FOUND NO MAPS??\n") end else fnt.gwall("Attempt to write ",targenc,1) end else fnt.gwall("Attempt to uniquify " .. j .. " as ",targenc,1) end end end end end return fnt.nifergwall end print("Something weird happened.\n") return 1 end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- fontinst ------------------------------------------------- -- finst {{{ ---@param patt string ---@param dir string ---@param mode string ---@return ---@see ---@usage public local function finst (patt,dir,mode) dir = dir or "." mode = mode or "nonstopmode" local cmd = "pdftex --interaction=" .. mode -- https://lunarmodules.github.io/luafilesystem/examples.html (expl) -- l3build-file-functions.lua (filelist fn) local targs = filelist(dir,patt) for i,j in ipairs(targs) do -- local errorlevel = tex(j,dir,cmd) local errorlevel = build_fnt(dir,cmd,j) fnt.gwall("Compilation of ", j, errorlevel) end end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- -- fontinst {{{ ---@param dir string ---@param mode string ---@return 0 on success, error level otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function fontinst (dir,mode) -- dir = dir or unpackdir dir = dir or fnt.fntdir mode = mode or "errorstopmode --halt-on-error" fnt.standalone = false fnt.encodingtag = fnt.encodingtag or "" local errorlevel = 0 buildinit () local tfmfiles = filelist(dir,"*.tfm") for i,j in ipairs(tfmfiles) do local plname = string.gsub(j, "%.tfm$", ".pl") if fileexists(dir .. "/" .. plname) then print(plname, "already exists!") return 1 else local cmd = "tftopl " .. j .. " " .. plname -- safe or not? errorlevel = runcmd(cmd,dir) -- necessary or not? -- local errorlevel = build_fnt(cmd,dir) fnt.gwall("Conversion to pl from tfm ",j,errorlevel) -- remove tfm to reduce pollution of package later rm(dir,j) fnt.gwall("Deletion of tfm ", j, errorlevel) end end print("Creating families ...\n") for i,j in ipairs(fnt.familymakers) do errorlevel = finst(j,dir,mode) fnt.gwall("Compilation of driver ", j, errorlevel) end if fnt.nifergwall ~= 0 then return fnt.nifergwall end for i,j in ipairs(fnt.mapmakers) do errorlevel = finst (j,dir,mode) fnt.gwall("Compilation of map ", j, errorlevel) end if fnt.nifergwall ~= 0 then return fnt.nifergwall end errorlevel = build_tidy () fnt.gwall("Tidying ",fnt.fntdir,errorlevel) -- print("Tidying up build directory ...\n") -- for _,i in ipairs(fnt.buildsuppfiles_sys) do -- local errorlevel = rm(dir,i) -- fnt.gwall("Removal of ",dir .. "/" .. i,errorlevel) -- end for i,j in ipairs(fnt.binmakers) do local targs = filelist(dir,j) -- https://www.lua.org/pil/21.1.html for k,m in ipairs(targs) do targ = dir .. "/" .. m -- is this really the right way to do this? -- surely it is not at all safe? -- though presumably no worse than executing the script directly for line in io.lines(targ) do if string.match(line,"^pltotf [a-zA-Z0-9%-]+%.pl [a-zA-Z0-9%-]+%.tfm$") then -- local errorlevel = runcmd(line,dir) errorlevel = build_fnt(dir,line) fnt.gwall("Creation of TFM using " .. line .. " from ", j, errorlevel) else print("Ignoring unexpected line \"" .. line .. "\" in", j .. ".\n") fnt.nifergwall = fnt.nifergwall + 1 end end end end if fnt.nifergwall ~= 0 then return fnt.nifergwall end local targs = filelist(dir,"*.vpl") for i,j in ipairs(targs) do -- local cmd = "vptovf " .. j -- local errorlevel = runcmd(cmd,dir) local cmd = "vptovf" errorlevel = build_fnt(dir,cmd,j) fnt.gwall("Creation of virtual font from ", j, errorlevel) end -- edit the .fd files if a scale factor is declared because fontinst -- doesn't allow us to do this and the last message to the mailing list -- is from 2022 with no response from the maintainer local fdfiles = filelist(dir, "*.fd") for i,j in ipairs(fdfiles) do local f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. j,"rb")) local content = f:read("*all") f:close() local new_content = content local csscaleaux = string.match(content, "%<%-%> *\\([%a%d][%a%d]*@@scale)") if csscaleaux ~= nil then local csscale = string.gsub(csscaleaux, "@(@)", "%1") if csscale ~= nil then new_content = string.gsub(content, "(\\DeclareFontFamily{)", "%% addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25)\n\\expandafter\\ifx\\csname " .. csscale .. "\\endcsname\\relax\n \\let\\" .. csscaleaux .. "\\@empty\n\\else\n \\edef\\" .. csscaleaux .. "{s*[\\csname " .. csscale .. "\\endcsname]}%%\n\\fi\n\n%1") end end csscaleaux = string.match(content, "\\DeclareFontFamily{[^}]*}{[^}]*}{[^}]*\\hyphenchar *\\font *=[^}\n]*}") if csscaleaux ~= nil then content = new_content new_content = string.gsub(content, "(\\DeclareFontFamily{[^}]*}{[^}]*}{\\hyphenchar) *(\\font) *(=[^ }\n]*) *([^ }\n]* *})", "%1%2%3%4") end if new_content ~= content then local f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. j,"w")) -- this somehow removes the second value returned by string.gsub?? f:write("%% Scaling added by fontscripts\n",(string.gsub(new_content, "\n",fnt.os_newline_cp))) f:close() end end errorlevel = uniquify(fnt.encodingtag) if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Encodings not uniquified! Do not submit to CTAN! uniquify(" .. fnt.encodingtag .. ")","",errorlevel) end errorlevel = fntsubsetter() if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("Encoding fnt.subset definitions not inserted! fntsubsetter() ","",errorlevel) end errorlevel = fntkeeper() if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall( "FONT KEEPER FAILED! DO NOT MAKE STANDARD TARGETS WITHOUT RESOLVING!! fntkeeper() ", dir, errorlevel) end return fnt.nifergwall end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- afm2tfm (simple symbol fonts only) ------------------------------------------------- -- afm2tfm (dir) {{{ ---@param dir string ---@return 0 on success, number of errors otherwise ---@see ---@usage public local function afm2tfm (dir) dir = dir or fnt.fntdir local fntbasename = fntbasename or module local map = mapfile or fntbasename .. ".map" local fntencs = fnt.encs or {} fnt.standalone = false fnt.encodingtag = fnt.encodingtag or "" buildinit () print("Running afm2tfm. Please be patient ...\n") local afms = filelist(dir,"*.afm") local content = "" for i,k in ipairs(afms) do j = string.gsub(k,"%.afm","") if fntencs[j] == nil then local rtn = fileexists(dir .. "/" .. j .. ".enc") if not rtn then errorlevel = build_fnt(dir,"afm2tfm " .. k " >> " .. dir .. "/" .. map .. ".tmp") else errorlevel = build_fnt(dir, "afm2tfm " .. k .. " -p " .. j .. ".enc" .. " >> " .. dir .. "/" .. map .. ".tmp") end elseif not fileexists(dir .. "/" .. fntencs[j]) then fnt.gwall("Search for encoding specified for " .. j .. " ",dir,1) else errorlevel = build_fnt(dir, "afm2tfm " .. k .. " -p " .. fntencs[j] .. " >> " .. dir .. "/" .. map .. ".tmp") end if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("afm2tfm (" .. j ..") ",dir,errorlevel) else local g = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. map .. ".tmp","rb")) local c = g:read("all") g:close() content = content .. string.gsub(c, "\n", " <" .. string.gsub(k,"%.afm",".pfb") .. "\n") rm(dir, map .. ".tmp") end end -- need to do this as uniquify() isn't used -- otherwise the file ends up in localdir (and probably the package) -- catching this is the only benefit I can see in my inability to clean localdir -- if fileexists(dir .. "/pdftex.map") then -- local errorlevel = rm(dir,"pdftex.map") -- fnt.gwall("Removing ","pdftex.map",errorlevel) -- end local f f = assert(io.open(dir .. "/" .. map, "w")) f:write((string.gsub(content,"\n",fnt.os_newline_cp))) f:close() errorlevel = fntkeeper() if errorlevel ~= 0 then fnt.gwall("FONT KEEPER FAILED! DO NOT MAKE STANDARD TARGETS WITHOUT RESOLVING!! ", dir, errorlevel) end return fnt.nifergwall end -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- exports {{{ fnt.build_fnt = build_fnt fnt.build_tidy = build_tidy fnt.buildinit = buildinit fnt.buildinit_fontinst = buildinit_fontinst fnt.buildinit_hook = buildinit_hook fnt.finst = finst fnt.fntkeeper = fntkeeper fnt.fntsubsetter = fntsubsetter fnt.afm2tfm = afm2tfm fnt.fontinst = fontinst fnt.uniquify = uniquify -- }}} ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- vim: ts=2:sw=2:et:foldmethod=marker: