#!/bin/csh # Copyright (C) 1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved. # WARNING this script was created automatically. set lib=/usr/local/lib/fload setenv FONTPATH /usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ISOFonts/pfa #! #! File: UpdateMap.csh #! This C shell script updates font map which is used by FLoad script. #! #! Copyright (C) 1994, Basil K. Malyshev. All rights reserved. #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! setenv SUBFONT "`which subfont`" if ( ! -e "$SUBFONT" ) then echo Can not found SubFont program in path $path exit endif #### Scan all font directories and add records to Fontmap.t1 # Split FPATH variable into elements set pathSave=($path) setenv PATH $FONTPATH set fpath=($path) set path=($pathSave) # Now go throght all font directories echo >$lib/Fontmap.t1 foreach root ($fpath) echo "Scanning $root directory..." echo "%% This part was constructed from $root directory" >>$lib/Fontmap.t1 pushd root find . -name "*.pf[ab]" -exec $SUBFONT -z$lib/Fontmap.t1 {} \; popd end ###