nvidia-cuda-toolkit (9.0.176-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3 (no changes needed). * Switch to debhelper compat level 11. * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 11 Jan 2018 15:01:38 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (9.0.176-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release 9.0 (Sept 2017). (Closes: #862522) * debian/copyright: Synchronize with updated EULA.txt. * Remove libnppi8.0. The full sized library was split up into multiple libraries in 8.0 and is now deprecated by upstream. * SOVERSION bump: 8.0 => 9.0, rename all library packages. * libaccinj64-9.0: New package for the 64-bit ACCINJ library. * Update installation paths. * Simplify symbols control files and use wildcard matching on symbol versions now that upstream uses versioned symbols. * Update symbols control files. * Refresh patches. * man-typos.patch: Fix more misspellings. * Fix packaging for ppc64el. * Use gcc-6/g++-6 as preferred compiler and clang-3.9 as alternative. (Closes: #873468, #864840) * Update Lintian overrides. * Upload to experimental. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 24 Nov 2017 00:26:06 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.61-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Use dpkg makefile snippets instead of manual changelog parsing. * Add monolithic cuda tree shim in /usr/lib/cuda/. Use for 'clang++ --cuda-path=/usr/lib/cuda'. (LP: #1706326) * Update Lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 23 Nov 2017 05:23:45 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.61-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Set Priority to optional. * Switch from dh_install --list-missing to dh_missing. * Ship some overlooked files and drop some removed docs. * Factor out a build-stamp target and prepare the tree in build/. * Convert packaging repository from SVN to GIT. * Add gbp.conf to enable overlay mode. * Add get-tarball-dir target to checkout the tarball archive from SVN. * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no. * Use https:// URLs where possible. * nvidia-profiler: Add Suggests: nvidia-cuda-toolkit for the cuda-binaries(1) manpage. (Closes: #854900) -- Andreas Beckmann Tue, 07 Nov 2017 14:28:50 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.61-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Beckmann ] * New upstream release 8.0 GA2 (Feb 2017). * Update symbols control files. * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.1. * Update Lintian overrides. [ Russ Allbery ] * Remove myself from Uploaders. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 04 Oct 2017 15:15:32 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.44-4) unstable; urgency=medium [ Zhou Mo ] * README.Debian: Discuss adding nvcc options regarding PIE when mixing GCC and CLANG generated objects, since the defaults differ between the compilers. (Closes: #861878) -- Andreas Beckmann Mon, 29 May 2017 20:48:54 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.44-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Zhou Mo ] * Depend on clang-3.8 as default compiler alternative, since CUDA does not support GCC-6. (Closes: #835940) Use 'nvcc -ccbin clang-3.8' to compile your CUDA applications. * Add NEWS entry for this change. [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Switch to debhelper compat level 10. * Generate debian/g++ from debian/gcc. * gcc/g++ wrappers: Report if clang-3.8 could be used instead of gcc/g++. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 20 Jan 2017 20:25:17 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.44-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Overhaul installation of examples. * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 27 Oct 2016 04:05:12 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (8.0.44-1) experimental; urgency=medium [ Andreas Beckmann ] * New upstream release 8.0 GA1 (Sept 2016). (Closes: #822434, #695304) * Use gzip to compress orig tarballs containing already compressed files. * Revert the -D_FORCE_INLINES workaround. * gcc-support.patch: Remove, fixed upstream. * man-sections.patch, man-typos.patch, man-hyphenation.patch: Refresh. * Fix more typos found by Lintian. * Update Lintian overrides. * Upload to experimental. [ Zhou Mo ] * SOVERSION bump: 7.5 => 8.0, rename all library packages. * Update symbols control files. * Ship new binary: gpu-library-advisor. * New packages for nppi sub-library series: + libnppial8.0: New package for image arithmetic and logic + libnppicc8.0: New package for image color conversion + libnppicom8.0: New package for image compression + libnppidei8.0: New package for image data exchange and initialization + libnppif8.0: New package for image filters + libnppig8.0: New package for image geometry transforms + libnppim8.0: New package for image morphological operations + libnppist8.0: New package for image statistics + libnppisu8.0: New package for image support + libnppitc8.0: New package for image threshold and compare * libnvgraph8.0: New package for the nvGRAPH library. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 21 Oct 2016 18:34:36 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.5.18-4) unstable; urgency=medium * [ppc64el] Use the no-libcuda1 virtual package on Debian, too, since there is no current driver available for ppc64el. * Fix more typos found by Lintian. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 07 Sep 2016 13:53:33 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.5.18-3) unstable; urgency=medium * d/rules: Add missing build-arch/build-indep targets. (Closes: #832589) * nvcc.profile: Add -D_FORCE_INLINES for better glibc 2.23 support. (Closes: #822783) * Fix more typos found by Lintian. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 31 Jul 2016 15:50:16 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.5.18-2) unstable; urgency=medium * man-typos.patch: Fix more typos. * Update Lintian overrides. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes needed). * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Tue, 03 May 2016 02:18:58 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.5.18-1) experimental; urgency=medium [ Zhou Mo ] * New upstream release 7.5 (Sept 2015). (Closes: #807579) * SOVERSION bump: 7.0 => 7.5, rename all library packages. * Update symbols control files. * [ppc64el] Adjust location of nvvm/lib. * Update Lintian overrides. [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Refresh man-sections.patch. * debian/copyright: Synchronize with updated EULA.txt. * Use multiarch substitution in nvcc.profile. * gcc-support.patch: New, allow usage of GCC 5. * Use gcc-5/g++-5 as preferred compiler. * Update documentation regarding the CUDA Code Samples. * [ppc64el] Use the no-libcuda1 virtual package on Ubuntu. * Upload to experimental. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 09 Mar 2016 02:12:57 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.0.28-4) unstable; urgency=medium * [ppc64el] Enable the nvidia-opencl-dev package. * Ship nvprune manpage. * rules: Enforce that arch:all documentation packages are built on amd64 only. * get-orig-source: Exclude driver and GPU Deployment Kit. * Drop Conflicts/Breaks/Replaces targeting pre-jessie versions. * Add Conflicts with the CUDA repo packages from NVIDIA for Ubuntu. * man-typos.patch: Fix more misspellings. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7 (no changes needed). * Update Lintian overrides. (Closes: #815822) -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 28 Feb 2016 14:02:08 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.0.28-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Drop Build-Depends on libcuda1 and always use the libcuda.so stub (with some postprocessing) for dependency resolution. * Revert the no-libcuda1 virtual package hack. [ Graham Inggs ] * [ppc64el] Add Build-Depends on libexpat1. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 17 Feb 2016 08:33:34 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.0.28-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Merge changes from 6.5.19-3. * get-orig-source: Generate an additional .orig-ppc64el tarball by repacking cuda-repo-ubuntuAABB-X-Y-local_*_ppc64el.deb. * Add preliminary support for building ppc64el packages. * Work around libcuda1 not being available on ppc64el: - Use the stub library shipped with the library for dependency resolution. - libcudart7.0:ppc64el: Provide virtual package no-libcuda1 and use that as alternative dependency. * [ppc64el] Strip RPATH from cuda-gdb. * Apply the patches over the nvidia-cuda symlink. * Update Lintian overrides. * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 03 Feb 2016 09:43:31 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (7.0.28-1) experimental; urgency=medium [ Zhou Mo ] * New upstream release 7.0 (March 2015). (Closes: #783770) * Drop i386 support for all remaining packages, removed upstream. * SOVERSION bump: 6.5 => 7.0, rename all library packages and bump alternate virtual B-D to libcuda-7.0-1. * libnvvm SOVERSION bump: 2 => 3, rename libnvvm2 to libnvvm3. * Update symbols control files. * Do not ship open64 binaries, no longer provided upstream. (Closes: #774297) * Ship new headers and nvprune binary. * libcusolver7.0: New package for the cuSOLVER library. * libnvrtc7.0: New package for the NVRTC library. [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Refresh man-sections.patch and man-typos.patch. * debian/copyright: Synchronize with updated EULA.txt. * nvidia-cuda-dev: Ship the library stubs, downgrade Depends: libcuda1 to Recommends. * Remove compatibility symlink for thrust includes. * Update documentation regarding the CUDA Code Samples. * nvidia-visual-profiler, nvidia-nsight: Disable more tracking scripts. * Update Lintian overrides. * Upload to experimental. -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 28 Nov 2015 07:35:39 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.5.19-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Do not run dh_strip_nondeterminism, it may perform modifications not permitted by the NVIDIA license. * get-orig-source: Generate tarball reproducibly. * Add Zhou Mo to Uploaders. * Update Lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 20 Jan 2016 03:11:45 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.5.19-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:46:02 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.5.19-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release 6.5 (September 2014). - Adding support for GTX9xx GPUs. (Needs a 343.xx or newer driver.) * Refresh man-sections.patch. * Update symbols control files. * Update Lintian overrides. * nvidia-cuda-toolkit: Suggest nvidia-driver and mention in the long description that an NVIDIA GPU and the NVIDIA driver kernel module are required to run CUDA applications. (Closes: #795262) * Upload to experimental. -- Andreas Beckmann Mon, 05 Oct 2015 23:26:43 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.5.14-2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Add B-D: libncurses5. (Closes: #789090) * Update Lintian overrides. * Upload to unstable. [ Graham Inggs ] * Update my email address. * Re-enable the gcc/g++ wrappers, depend on gcc/g++ 4.9 | 4.8. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 30 Sep 2015 17:26:21 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.5.14-1) experimental; urgency=medium [ Graham Inggs ] * New upstream release 6.5 (August 2014). * SOVERSION bump: 6.0 => 6.5, rename all library packages and bump alternate virtual B-D to libcuda-6.5-1. * Update symbols control files. * Use SOVERSION substitution in nvidia-cuda-toolkit.manpages. * debian/copyright: Synchronize with updated EULA.txt. * Remove nvvp, nsight and various libs no longer shipped for i386. * Remove workaround to create symlinks for libnvvm. * Allow documentation packages to build on i386. * Refresh all postunpack patches. * Rebase postunpack patches against non-symlinked directory for compatibility with patch >= 2.7.3-1. * nvidia-profiler: Update compat symlinks as nvprof now looks for libcuinj{32,64}.so without the SOVERSION. * Update Lintian overrides. [ Andreas Beckmann ] * nvidia-opencl-dev: Recommends: nvidia-opencl-icd. * d/watch, get-orig-source: Include the arm64 .run installer. * Upload to experimental. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 25 Feb 2015 21:51:04 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.0.37-5) unstable; urgency=medium * nvidia-opencl-dev: Bump Breaks/Replaces on nvidia-libopencl1 from (<< 304.88-7~) to (<< 305~) to cover all versions that could end up in wheezy. New nvidia-graphics-drivers upstream releases from the 304.xx legacy series fixing security bugs have been uploaded to stable previously. The package in wheezy (current version: 304.117-1) still contains libOpenCL.so while the package in sid stopped shipping this symbolic link in 304.88-7. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:53:52 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.0.37-4) unstable; urgency=medium * libnvblas6.0 is only available on amd64. * nvidia-cuda-dev: Add Recommends: libnvcuvid1. * nvidia-cuda-dev: Remove some header file workaround symlinks. * Update documentation regarding downloading, installing and building the CUDA Code Samples. * Update library package descriptions from cuda-libraries(7). -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 12 Oct 2014 21:47:11 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.0.37-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes needed). * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 10 Oct 2014 09:27:22 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.0.37-2) experimental; urgency=medium [ Graham Inggs ] * Add missing Breaks/Replaces on libcuinj{32,64}-5.5. (Closes: #763177) [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Add wrapper script for nvprof due to its insane library search behavior. * Add compat symlinks for libcuinj{32,64}.so.6.0 to the real nvprof's bindir. (Closes: #761363) * nvidia-cuda-doc: Remove more tracking scripts. * Ship the new upstream manpages. * Fix typos, hyphenation, and sections in the manpages. * Implement minimal quilt based patch system that is activated after unpacking the .run files. * libnvblas6.0: New package for the NVBLAS runtime library. * Update lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:23:39 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (6.0.37-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream release 6.0 (April 2014). (Closes: #751522) * Upload to experimental. * debian/copyright: Synchronize with updated EULA.txt. * SOVERSION bump: 5.5 => 6.0, rename all library packages. * Update symbols control files. -- Andreas Beckmann Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:49:21 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.5.22-6) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Move libcuinj{32,64}-5.5 dependency from nvidia-visual-profiler to nvidia-profiler. * Move libcuinj{32,64}.so back to nvidia-cuda-dev, nvprof now dlopen()s the proper soname. (Closes: #763177) * nvidia-cuda-dev: Upgrade libcuda.so dependency from Recommends to Depends. * nvidia-cuda-doc: Remove tracking scripts and images. * Update lintian overrides. [ Graham Inggs] * New package descriptions to satisfy lintian description-is-pkg-name. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 28 Sep 2014 18:31:12 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.5.22-5) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Add Graham Inggs to Uploaders. [ Graham Inggs ] * Do not prevent the use of GCC 4.9. (Closes: #757961) * Add missing Breaks/Replaces to nvidia-opencl-dev for a clean takeover of the libOpenCL.so symlink from {amd,nvidia,ocl-icd}-libopencl1. (Closes: #760554) -- Graham Inggs Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:00:27 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.5.22-4) unstable; urgency=low * Bump the alternate virtual libcuda dependency to libcuda-5.5-1. * Remove alternate (Build-)Depends on nvidia-current. (Closes: #745149) * Add libopencl-1.1-1 as alternate virtual libopencl1 dependency. * Update lintian overrides. * Remove switch for non-multiarch builds. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 25 May 2014 01:27:03 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.5.22-3) unstable; urgency=low * Bump the alternate virtual B-D to libcuda-5.5-1. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed). * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 07 Nov 2013 01:19:29 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.5.22-2) experimental; urgency=low * Add missing Breaks/Replaces to libcuinj{32,64}-5.5 for a clean takeover of the libcuinj{32,64}.so symlink from libcuinj{32,64}-5.0. * nvcc.profile: Add missing NVVMIR_LIBRARY_DIR setting. (Closes: #725649) * nvcc.profile: Add -L/usr/lib/ to make nvlink multiarch aware. * Drop the gcc/g++ wrappers, all versions up to 4.8 are supported. -- Andreas Beckmann Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:39:10 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.5.22-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release 5.5 (July 2013). * Upload to experimental. * Update watch file. * debian/copyright: Synchronize with reformatted and updated EULA.txt. * SOVERSION bump: 5.0 => 5.5, rename all library packages. * libnpp[cis]5.5: New packages replacing the split libnpp5.0 library. * libnvtoolsext1: Renamed from libnvtoolsext5.0, upstream soname change. * libnvvm2: New package for the NVCC runtime library. * libcufftw5.5: New package for CUDA FFT library with FFTW interface. * Ship new binaries and auxiliary files. * Update symbols control files. * Update lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:17:57 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-8) unstable; urgency=low * Simplify renaming control files on SOVERSION change. * Update lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:58:39 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-7) unstable; urgency=low * nvidia-opencl-dev: Provides/Conflicts/Replaces: opencl-dev. * nvidia-opencl-dev: Set Multi-Arch: same. - Ship libOpenCL.so symlink previously in nvidia-libopencl1. (Closes: #719833) - Tighten the dependency on nvidia-libopencl1. * nvidia-cuda-toolkit: Allow opencl-dev as an alternative to nvidia-opencl-dev. (Closes: #719834) -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 17 Aug 2013 06:48:53 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-6) unstable; urgency=low [ Graham Inggs ] * Dependency updates for Ubuntu Saucy: nvidia-* now provides libcuda-5.0-1 and libopencl1 virtual packages. Use these instead of enumerating all packaged driver versions. (Closes: #710820) [ Andreas Beckmann ] * nvidia-cuda-dev: Add Breaks against too old libcuda1 versions. * Update lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Tue, 16 Jul 2013 11:37:43 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-5) unstable; urgency=low * Use canonical Vcs-* URLs. * Update lintian overrides. * Upload to unstable. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 05 May 2013 11:59:50 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-4ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low * Ubuntu: Build-Depend/Depend on nvidia-304*, nvidia-310* and nvidia-313*. (LP: #1162945) -- Graham Inggs Tue, 02 Apr 2013 13:24:16 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-4) experimental; urgency=low [ Graham Inggs ] * Ubuntu: Build-Depend/Depend on nvidia-experimental-*. (LP: #1092259) [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Ubuntu: Override libcuda.so.1 dependencies via shlibs.local to support installing with nvidia-experimental-* while building against nvidia-current. (Closes: #700621) -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 16 Feb 2013 15:58:28 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-3) experimental; urgency=low * nvidia-profiler: New package (split from nvidia-cuda-toolkit) that ships the nvprof binary which supports both CUDA and OpenCL. * nvidia-visual-profiler: Depend on nvidia-profiler for the nvprof binary. (Closes: #695493) * nvcc.profile: Enable the 'LIBRARIES =+ -lcudart' setting to not deviate from upstream behavior. (Closes: #697730) * Update my email address and remove DMUA. * Switch to Standards-Version: 3.9.4 (no changes needed). -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 25 Jan 2013 19:27:19 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-2) experimental; urgency=low * debian/copyright: Synchronize with reformatted EULA.txt. * Drop hardcoded java path from nvvp.ini and nsight.ini. (Closes: #693703) * nvidia-nsight: Add /usr/share/nvidia-nsight/configuration -> /usr/lib/nvidia-nsight/configuration symlink. -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 24 Nov 2012 15:57:03 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.35-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release 5.0 (October 2012). * debian/{control,rules}: Use substvars for the names of the libcuda1 and nvidia-libopencl1 packages. * Ubuntu: Build-Depend/Depend on nvidia-current | nvidia-current-updates instead of libcuda1 and nvidia-libopencl1. * Update lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 21 Oct 2012 17:06:18 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (5.0.24-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release candidate 5.0 RC. (Closes: #686560) * Upload to experimental. * watch: simplify and switch to the release candidate page. * Only extract the .run file for the current architecture. * Drop B-D: libqt*, since 4.1 the profiler uses eclipse instead of Qt. * get-orig-source: skip downloading if cached files are in ../.cache/ * get-orig-source: extract and repack run-in-run archives. * SOVERSION bump: 4 => 5.0, rename all library packages. * libcuinj.so.4 has changed the SONAME to libcuinj{32,64}.so.5.0: rename and clone package accordingly. * Update symbols files. * Update lintian overrides and override hardening warnings. * nvidia-visual-profiler: Generalize installation and linking to automatically pickup new files and forget removed ones. * nvidia-nsight: new package for NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition. * libnvtoolsext5.0: new package for the NVIDIA Tools Extension (runtime). * Update .install lists for added files. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 12 Sep 2012 01:44:29 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.2.9-2) unstable; urgency=low * nvcc.profile: Enable the 'LIBRARIES =+ -lcudart' setting to not deviate from upstream behavior. (Closes: #697730) -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 10 Jan 2013 01:19:06 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release 4.2 (April 2012). * New download URL: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads * Update symbols files. * debian/copyright: Update NVIDIA license. * The toolkit now supports GCC 4.6 (but nothing newer). Add g++-4.6 and gcc-4.6 as preferred alternative dependencies. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 11 May 2012 10:32:07 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.1.28-2) unstable; urgency=low * nvidia-visual-profiler: Add dependency on libcuinj4. (Closes: #665931) * Move libcuinj.so to libcuinj4 as this gets dlopen()ed. * Switch to Standards-Version: 3.9.3 (no changes needed). * Use the final copyright-format/1.0 URL. * Drop biarch lib32* packages, there were no users of these packages. Multi-arch is the way to go. -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 12 Apr 2012 21:09:27 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.1.28-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release 4.1 (January 2012). * Upload to unstable. * Update symbols files. * Ship cicc and ci_include.h in the nvidia-cuda-toolkit package. GPUs pre-dating the Fermi architecture still need the pre-LLVM compiler. Thanks to Tomasz Rybak for testing this. * Do not compress examples. * The toolkit now supports GCC 4.5 (but nothing newer). Add g++-4.5 and gcc-4.5 as preferred alternative dependencies. * nvidia-cuda-toolkit: Add wrapper scripts (used internally by nvcc) for gcc/g++ that execute the newest of gcc-4.5/g++-4.5 or gcc-4.4/g++-4.4, even if /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ point to a newer version. * nvidia-visual-profiler: Ship the copy of Eclipse 3.6 that was included in the upstream archive. I can't get nvvp working properly with the Debian Eclipse 3.7. -- Andreas Beckmann Wed, 22 Feb 2012 15:10:50 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.1.21-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release candidate 4.1 RC2. * Upload to experimental. * Rename package nvidia-compute-profiler to nvidia-visual-profiler, this is now a cross-platform application based on eclipse. * libcuinj4: New package for the INJ library. * libcupti{4,-dev,-doc}: New packages for the NVIDIA CUDA Profiler Tools Interface (CUPTI). * Update install lists and symbols files. * debian/copyright: Update to dep5.mdwn?revision=202. Add LLVM license. * Bump debhelper dependency to 9. -- Andreas Beckmann Thu, 16 Feb 2012 17:08:36 +0100 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.0.17-3) unstable; urgency=low [ Russ Allbery ] * Add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes to debian/control. [ Andreas Beckmann ] * Add compatibility symlink for thrust because nvcc refuses kernels from system include directories. (Closes: #644844) * Add a README entry how to install the GPU Computing SDK (code examples). * Update lintian overrides. -- Andreas Beckmann Mon, 10 Oct 2011 20:56:23 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.0.17-2) unstable; urgency=low * Upload to unstable. * Add XS-Autobuild: yes to debian/control. See instructions in #602838. * Add Depends: libthrust-dev. Thrust has been packaged separately in contrib as it is available under the Apache-2.0 license. * nvidia-opencl-dev now Provides: opencl-dev. * Drop lintian-overrides for shlib-calls-exit (no longer emitted in 2.5.1). * Enable multiarch build. - Add and use #LIBDIR# substitution. - Add misc:Pre-Depends and Multi-Arch: same. - Add conflicts with biarch libraries. - Use compat level 9. * Set Maintainer to Debian NVIDIA Maintainers and move myself to Uploaders. * Add Russ Allbery to Uploaders. -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 25 Jun 2011 18:20:19 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.0.17-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release 4.0. * Upload to experimental. * Detect license changes by comparing debian/copyright with upstream EULA.txt during build. * Refresh debian/copyright from the updated EULA.txt in 4.0. * Switch to arch tagged overrides (lintian 2.5.0). * Add dependency on gcc-4.4/g++-4.4, add gcc/g++ compatibility symlinks. The CUDA toolkit does not work with 4.5 or newer compilers. -- Andreas Beckmann Fri, 27 May 2011 15:00:56 +0200 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (4.0.13-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release candidate 4.0 RC2. - The OpenCL API 1.1 is now implemented. * Upload to experimental. * Upstream has bumped the SOVERSION from 3 to 4, rename the packages accordingly. * Update install lists and symbols files. * Add lintian-overrides for shlib-calls-exit. * Add packages libnpp4 and lib32npp4 for the NVIDIA Performance Primitives library. * Allow libopencl1 as an alternative to nvidia-libopencl1. * Add Breaks: nvidia-libopencl1 (<< 195.36.31-90) because the older version from squeeze doesn't contain the libOpenCL.so symlink. -- Andreas Beckmann Sun, 15 May 2011 18:12:01 -0700 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (3.2.16-2) unstable; urgency=low * Upload to unstable. * Use dpkg-parsechangelog to extract the upstream version number from debian/changelog, simplifying debian/rules.defs even more. * Generate watch file in the clean target. The watch file is now limited to updates to the current release as NVIDIA no longer provides a page redirecting to the current release. * Switch to Standards-Version: 3.9.2 (no changes needed). -- Andreas Beckmann Tue, 26 Apr 2011 18:56:41 -0700 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (3.2.16-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release 3.2. * Upload to experimental. * Upstream no longer ships the manual pages. * Create new packages libcusparse3 and libcurand3 (and their 32-bit variants) for the libraries added by NVIDIA. * Update symbols files and install lists. * Update lintian overrides. * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt). -- Andreas Beckmann Sat, 20 Nov 2010 19:20:46 -0800 nvidia-cuda-toolkit (3.1-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release 3.1. * Initial release. (Closes: #581184) * Upload to experimental. -- Andreas Beckmann Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:15:18 +0200