xkcdpass (1.14.2+dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The “Xulhaz Mannan” release. * New upstream version. Highlights since previous release: * Improved robustness of interactive mode. * Switch to EFF Dice-Generated Passphrases wordlist as default. * Add word lists for Spanish, Finnish. * Repack upstream source to avoid files not known to be DFSG-free. * Specify current VCS for Debian packaging work. * Specify the HTTPS URL for copyright file format. * Declare “Standards-Version: 4.1.2”. * Declare Debhelper compatibility level 10. * Correct the ‘dh_auto_build’ invocation. * Switch Git-Buildpackage to building source package from VCS overlay. * Convert UScan configuration to format version 4. * debian/patches/use-current-interpreter-name.patch: * Correct the assumption about Python interpreter program name. * Update Debian packaging license grant to GPL v3 or later. -- Ben Finney Sat, 02 Dec 2017 16:36:45 +1100 xkcdpass (1.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The “Maung Sai U Chak” release. * New upstream version. Highlights since previous release: * When word list is not specified, try several hard-coded file paths. (This was documented but not working in earlier versions.) * Update fields for packaging VCS repository. -- Ben Finney Sat, 10 Sep 2016 14:51:25 +1000 xkcdpass (1.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The “Avijit Roy” release. * New upstream version. Highlights since previous release: * Weak random number generator is not used unless explicitly requested. * De-duplicate word list before choosing words. * debian/*: * Update my email address for Debian work. * debian/control: * Remove Python development system dependency, no longer needed for upstream build system. * debian/tests/control: * Add an ‘autopkgtest’ smoke test for the installed program. -- Ben Finney Fri, 12 Aug 2016 10:44:35 +1000 xkcdpass (1.6.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The “Narendra Dabholkar” release. * New upstream version. Highlights since previous release: * New minimum version requirements: Python 2.7+ or Python 3.2+. * debian/xkcdpass.docs: * Install upstream README document. * Install upstream CONTRIBUTORS document. * debian/copyright: * Add editor hints. * Update copyright notices. * debian/control: * Declare “Standards-Version: 3.9.8”. * “Build-Depends: python3-dev” for upstream build system. * debian/xkcdpass.examples: * Follow new upstream location of examples. * debian/xkcdpass.pyremove: * Remove specification of Python code examples to remove. The changes are now applied upstream. * debian/control, debian/bzr-buildpackage.conf, debian/gbp.conf: * Migrate to Git VCS for packaging. * Remove superfluous configuration for Bzr-buildpackage. * Add configuration for Git-buildpackage. * debian/watch: * Clarify configuration format and comments. -- Ben Finney Sat, 18 Jun 2016 10:59:48 +1000 xkcdpass (1.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The “Gulalai Ismail” release. * Initial Debian release. (Closes: bug#768772) * New upstream version. Highlights since previous release: * Explicit free-software license grant for all components. * Default bundled word list is now office-safe. * Allows duplicate words in generated passphrase. * debian/control: * Set “VCS-*” fields to URLs for encrypted Alioth services. * debian/watch: * Refine regex pattern for upstream tarball URLs. * debian/clean: * Remove directories created by Setuptools. * debian/control, debian/rules: * Migrate to Pybuild for building Python-based code. * debian/*.examples: * Package new Python examples. * debian/*.pyremove: * Remove code examples from the installed Python package. * debian/copyright, debian/*: * Update copyright years. * Distinguish license conditions from license grants. -- Ben Finney Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:38:00 +1100 xkcdpass (1.2.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * The “Fahma Mohamed” release. * Initial Debian release. (Closes: bug#768772) -- Ben Finney Wed, 21 Jan 2015 17:25:03 +1100