Upstream-Name: Starjava CDF
Upstream-Contact: Mark Taylor <>

Files: *
Copyright: 2005-2016 Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
 2017 Ole Streicher <> (Debian files)
License: LGPL-2.1+
 Starjava code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
 (LGPL), version 2.1 or later, available from
 This license is hereby asserted to apply to all the original
 (non-third-party) code and associated files in the packages
 from this starjava repository, specifically:
   array      diva  jaiutil   ndx         splat     ttools
   astgui     fits  jniast    pal         srb       util
   astrogrid  frog  jnihds    plastic     startask  vo
   cdf        gbin  jnikappa  registry    table     votable
   coco       hds   jpcs      rv          task      xdoc
   connect    hdx   mirage    soapserver  topcat
   datanode   help  ndtools   sog         treeview
 In particular this license applies to all the java classes in
 or under the namespace.
 If LGPL licensing is not acceptable for particular usage requirements,
 it may be possible to provide the code under other licensing arrangements.
 On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License version 2.1 can be found in the file
Comment: The license information is stored in the root of the upstream
 git repository.