This is the Debian GNU/Linux r-cran-numderiv package of numDeriv. The numDeriv package provides GNU R with accurate numerical derivatives, and was written by Paul Gilbert and Ravi Varadhan. This package was created by Dirk Eddelbuettel . The sources were downloaded from the main CRAN site and are also available from all CRAN mirrors as e.g. The package was renamed from its upstream name 'numDeriv' to 'r-cran-numDeriv' to fit the pattern of CRAN (and non-CRAN) packages for R. Files: R/* Copyright: 2006 - 2011 Bank of Canada 2012 Paul Gilbert License: GPL-2 Files: debian/* Copyright: 2014 Dirk Eddelbuettel License: GPL-2 On a Debian GNU/Linux system, the GPL license (version 2) is included in the file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2. For reference, the upstream DESCRIPTION file is included below: Package: numDeriv Version: 2012.9-1 Title: Accurate Numerical Derivatives Description: This package provide methods for calculating (usually) accurate numerical first and second order derivatives. Accurate calculations are done using Richardson's extrapolation or, when applicable, a complex step derivative is available. A simple difference method is also provided. Simple difference is (usually) less accurate but is much quicker than Richardson's extrapolation and provides a useful cross-check. Methods are provided for real scalar and vector valued functions. Depends: R (>= 1.8.1) LazyLoad: yes License: GPL-2 Copyright: 2006-2011, Bank of Canada. 2012, Paul Gilbert Author: Paul Gilbert and Ravi Varadhan Maintainer: Paul Gilbert URL: http: Repository: CRAN Repository/R-Forge/Project: optimizer Repository/R-Forge/Revision: 679 Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp: 2012-09-30 23:59:38 Date/Publication: 2012-10-14 06:18:55 Packaged: 2012-10-01 14:21:40 UTC; rforge