mysql-connector-net (6.4.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium * [a2765c1] Force 4.5 classlib for build (Closes: #809586) -- Jo Shields Sun, 03 Jan 2016 09:00:21 +0000 mysql-connector-net (6.4.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Rebuild with Mono 3.2 for CLR 4.5 transition -- Jo Shields Wed, 09 Sep 2015 11:57:18 +0100 mysql-connector-net (6.4.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * [d75e0f7] Update debian/rules for DH8-compatible "--with cli" -- Jo Shields Fri, 20 Jan 2012 11:34:23 +0000 mysql-connector-net (6.4.3-1) experimental; urgency=low * [64052cf] initial upstream branch * [fe0def7] Imported Upstream version 6.1.3 * [6bd5818] Stop forcing uscan to only report on 6.1 series - allow any 6 series. * [e21276a] Ensure get-orig-source works in ., not ../tarballs. * [5fc06c7] Imported Upstream version 6.4.3 * [1ebfce5] Update Vcs-* fields in debian/control. * [5e15cae] Bump API and ABI versions used for package dependencies. * [7b8ca05] Switch from using Quilt directy to DebSrc 3.0 (quilt) * [6dc63d1] Use DH7 overrides, not --before and --after. * [8ae0186] Rename package to match new 6.4 ABI * [8c28daf] Remove obsolete patch remove-spurious-override.patch. * [065ecee] Remove obsolete patch fix-faulty-DEFINE.patch. * [5dc0b88] Refreshed use-mono-key-for-signing.patch. * [31be60d] Fix build and cleanup for new source directory structure. * [32c8258] Ensure XML documentation is actually generated. * [94cbfb1] Use valid paths for monodoc generation * [e374b04] Bump dates in copyright file * [f3e67a7] Clean harder in clean rule * [96c0ac4] Exclude Windows-only modulerefs when building dependencies. * [60bf456] Bump build dependencies, as this is a 4.0-only lib. * [41b4222] No-change bump to Standards 3.9.2. -- Jo Shields Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:00:16 +0100 mysql-connector-net (6.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * debian/control: + Build-depend on mono-devel 2.4.3, and get rid of individual library requirements * debian/monodoc-mysql-manual.postinst: + Delete postinst, we use triggers for this now * debian/libmysql6.1-cil.cligacpolicy: + Add some policy to avoid needing to rebuild any apps linked against 6.1.2 * debian/patches/use-mono-key-for-signing.patch: + Refresh to use AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile not KeyOriginatorFile to sign the assembly (works around bug fix in Mono 2.4.3) -- Jo Shields Fri, 13 Nov 2009 21:15:44 +0000 mysql-connector-net (6.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Rename source package, at ftpmaster's request (and for general sanity) * New upstream release * debian/rules, debian/control, debian/libmysql6.1-cil.*, debian/monodoc-mysql6.1-manual.*: + New ABI (6.1) compared to previous package. Bah. * debian/control, debian/libmysql6.1-cil.install, debian/libmysql-cil-dev: + Add a new -dev package * debian/control: + Bump Standards to 3.8.3 + Move cli-common-dev from build-depends-indep to build-depends * debian/rules: + Policy-compliant get-orig-source location * debian/README.source: + Quilt readme * debian/libmysql-cil-dev.links: + We no longer include arbitrary Debian-specific symlinks for pkgconfig files * debian/libmysql6.1-cil.install, debian/libmysql6.1-cil.installcligac, debian/mysql-connector-net.pc: + CLI Policy 0.7 install location * debian/control, debian/monodoc-*: + Unversion the package name. I think this is an artefact from when the source package had "5.0" in the name -- Jo Shields Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:12:23 +0000 mysql-connector-net-5.0 (6.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Jo Shields ] * New upstream release * monodoc-mysql6.0-manual.postinst, monodoc-mysql6.0-manual.prerm: + With modern monodoc, no need to mangle the monodoc.xml index file * debian/copyright: + Rework into an apprioximation of DEP5 format * debian/control: + No-change bump to Standards 3.8.2 + Add a Replaces on libmysql5.0-cil since both packages contain a pcfile with the same name + Add a Conflicts on monodoc-mysql6.0-cil since both packages contain documentation files with the same name + Switch from dpatch to quilt, for easier handling of conflicting patches * debian/watch: + Unmangle dfsg version + Update to point to mirror - mangling directly is painful * debian/rules: + Change ABI and API version + get-orig-source rule + Switch from manual compilation to using xbuild on the Visual Studio project. Version 2.4.2 required, as 2.4 doesn't include the Resource files * debian/patches/fix-faulty-DEFINE.patch: + Tweak csproj file to change definition of "WINDOWS NET20" to just "NET20" - the space was causing an issue * debian/patches/remove-spurious-override.patch: + Tweak source to remove "override" from non-overridden property * debian/patches/use-mono-key-for-signing.patch: + Switch to using our own uuencoded signing key rather than trying to use the crypto store [ Mirco Bauer ] * debian/control: + Changed Section to cli-mono. * debian/rules: + Made get-orig-source target policy conform. -- Jo Shields Tue, 07 Jul 2009 11:19:15 +0100 mysql-connector-net-5.0 (5.2.1+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=high * debian/rules: + Generate resource file from resx file using resgen2. + Fixed resource name of Resources.resx and ReservedWords.txt. (Closes: #491407) (made the package unusable, thus urgency set to high) * debian/control: + Added mono-2.0-devel and libmono-winforms2.0-cil to build-dependencies as needed for resgen2. -- Mirco Bauer Tue, 05 Aug 2008 23:29:16 +0200 mysql-connector-net-5.0 (5.2.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * The "get sexy and ready for lenny" release * DFSG version of mysql-connector-net 5.2.1 (deleted all pre-compiled binaries from the tarball) + For the record here a list of the deleted files: Installer/InstallUtilLib.dll Installer/Binary/InstallTools.dll Installer/Binary/H2Reg.exe Documentation/CollectionFiles/FixRegTables.exe * New upstream release * Changed the monodoc documentation node from "classlib-mysql" to "various". * debian/control: + Updated cli-common-dev build-dependency to >= 0.5.7 (needed for cli.make) + Added dpatch to build-dependencies. * debian/rules: + Include /usr/share/cli-common/cli.make + Migrated to debhelper v7 minimalistic style. + Bumped clilibs to 5.2.1 * debian/libmysql5.0-cil.cligacpolicy: + Install GAC policy file for as they are ABI compatible. * debian/patches/remove_AssemblyKeyName.dpatch: + Remove AssemblyKeyName attribute from AssemblyInfo.cs, else gmcs will ignore the passed keyfile. * debiab/watch: + Updated. -- Mirco Bauer Sun, 11 May 2008 15:13:21 +0200 mysql-connector-net-5.0 ( unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Mirco Bauer Sat, 01 Dec 2007 19:54:59 +0100