Format: Upstream-Name: lirc Upstream-Contact: Alec Leamas Source: Files: * Copyright: 1996-1997, Ralph Metzler 1998-2010, Christoph Bartelmus 2010-2011, Jarod Wilson 2013-2014, Alec Leamas License: GPL-2.0+ Files: lib/ciniparser.* lib/dictionary.* Copyright: 2000-2007, Nicolas Devillard 2009, Tim Post License: MIT Files: lib/config_file.* lib/dump_config.* Copyright: 1998, Pablo d'Angelo License: GPL-2.0+ Files: lib/curl_poll.* Copyright: Copyright (C) 1998 - 2012, Daniel Stenberg, , et al License: MIT Files: plugins/accent.* Copyright: 2007, Christoph Bartelmus 2007, Bart Alewijnse 2007, Leandro Dardini 2007, Niccolo Rigacci License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/alsa_usb.c Copyright: 2005, Clemens Ladisch License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/atilibusb.c Copyright: 2004, Michael Gold License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/atwf83.c Copyright: 2010, Romain Henriet License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/audio.c Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 2001-2002, Pavel Machek 2002, Matthias Ringwald License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/audio_alsa.c Copyright: 2003, Andrew Zabolotny License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/awlibusb.c Copyright: 2008, Arif 2008, Awox Pte Ltd License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/bte.* Copyright: 2003-2005, Vadim Shliakhov License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/commandir.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 2008-2010, Matthew Bodkin License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/creative.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 2003, Isaac Lauer License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/creative_infracd.* Copyright: 2003, Leonid Froenchenko License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/devinput.* Copyright: 2002, Oliver Endriss License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/dfclibusb.c Copyright: 2010, Davio Franke License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/dsp.c Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 2001-2002, Pavel Machek License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/ea65.* Copyright: 2004, Max Krasnyansky License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/ftdi.c Copyright: 2002, Jim Paris 2008, Albert Huitsing 2008, Adam Sampson License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/girs.c Copyright: 2015, 2016, Bengt Martensson License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/hiddev.c Copyright: 2002, Oliver Endriss 2004, Chris Pascoe 2005, William Uther 2007, Brice DUBOST 2007, Benjamin Drung 2007, Stephen Williams License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/i2cuser.c Copyright: 2000, Gerd Knorr 2003, Leonid Froenchenko 2004, Michael Gold 2006-2007, Adam Sampson License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/irtoy.c Copyright: 2011, Peter Kooiman License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/irlink.* Copyright: 2007, Maxim Muratov License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/livedrive_* Copyright: 2003, Stephen Beahm License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/logitech.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 1999, Isaac Lauer License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/mouseremote.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 1999, Isaac Lauer 2005, Shawn Nycz 2005, Brian Craft 2005, Geoffrey Hausheer License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/mp3anywhere.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 1999, Isaac Lauer 2003, Shawn Nycz License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/mplay.* Copyright: 2007, Benoit Laurent License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/osx_usbraw.* Copyright: 2014, Eric Anderson License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/pcmak.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 2004, Pawel Nowak 1999, Isaac Lauer License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/pinsys.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 2000, Bart Alewijnse License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/silitek.* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 1999, Isaac Lauer 2001, Krister Wicksell License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/srm7500libusb.* Copyright: 2002, Oliver Endriss 2004, Michael Gold 2009, Henning Glawe License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/tira.* Copyright: 2003, Gregory McLean 2003, Arnold Pakolitz License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/udp.c Copyright: 2002, Jim Paris License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/uirt2* Copyright: 1999, Christoph Bartelmus 1999, Isaac Lauer 2003, Mikael Magnusson License: GPL-2.0+ Files: plugins/usbx.* Copyright: 2007, Jelle Foks License: GPL-2.0+ Files: daemons/lircmd.cpp Copyright: 1998, Ryan Gammon 1998, Christoph Bartelmus License: GPL-2.0+ Files: tools/irexec.cpp tools/irw.cpp tools/irxevent.cpp tools/mode2.cpp Copyright: 1998, Trent Piepho 1998, Christoph Bartelmus License: GPL-2.0+ Files: lib/lirc_client.* Copyright: 1998, Trent Piepho 1998, Christoph Bartelmus 2009, Michal Svec License: GPL-2.0+ Files: tools/pronto2lirc Copyright: 2008, Olavi Akerman License: GPL-2.0+ Files: tools/xmode2.cpp Copyright: 1999, Heinrich Langos License: GPL-2.0+ Files: debian/* Copyright: 2000, Tom Lees 2001, Gopal Narayanan 2001-2003, Manuel Estrada Sainz 2004, Pierre Machard 2004-2006, Amaya Rodrigo Sastre 2005, Blars Blarson 2006, Hector Garcia 2006, Julien Danjou 2006, Aurelien Jarno 2006, Cyril Lacoux 2007, Loic Minier 2007-2008, Sven Mueller 2008-2011, Matthew Johnson 2008-2014, Stefan Lippers-Hollmann License:GPL-2.0+ License: GPL-2.0+ This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2". License: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.