This package was originally written by Mike Westerhof for SunOS.  Bdale Garbee
ported it to HP-UX and BSD/OS.  Ron Atkinson and John Paul Morrison provided
the tweaks for Linux.  The package is currently maintained by Bdale Garbee,
both as "upstream maintainer" and as a Debian package.

The original copyright from Michael states:

  Copyright 1991, Michael Westerhof, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  This software may be freely used, distributed, or modified, providing
  this header is not removed.

This version is a derivative of Michael's work developed and maintained by 
Bdale Garbee with input from several others.  It is licensed for distribution 
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.  A 
copy of the GPL is provided on Debian systems in the /usr/share/common-licenses