bgoffice-computer-terms (0.0.200909080118-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release from 2009.09.08 * debian/ cope with months and days starting with zero * Standards-Version: 3.8.3 (no changes needed) * fix debian/copyright; thanks, lintian * shorten debian/rules with dh 7.0.50 overrides * move additional cleaning to debian/clean -- Damyan Ivanov Tue, 10 Nov 2009 17:55:41 +0200 bgoffice-computer-terms (0.0.200802171847-2) unstable; urgency=low * drop transitional bedic-computer-terms * Standards-Version: 3.8.0 (no changes) * trim down debian/rules using debhelper 7 -- Damyan Ivanov Thu, 24 Jul 2008 00:30:24 +0300 bgoffice-computer-terms (0.0.200802171847-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release from 2008.02.17 * rename back to bgoffice-computer-terms to match upstream. no forks. * fix debian/ to handle letter headings without '=' underline * debian/control: + promote X-Vcs-Svn to a real field (and move it to bgoffice-...) + add Vcs-Browser field + add transitional bedic-computer-terms package, depending on bgoffice-computer-terms + debian/control: fix long description to not refer to non-existing gbedic * Standards-Version: 3.7.3 (no changes) * debian/copyright: update copyright years + packaging is GPL-2-only * move debian/dirs' content to debian/rules (only one dir) -- Damyan Ivanov Wed, 05 Mar 2008 14:45:48 +0200 bedic-computer-terms (0.0.200706020238-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream "release" * Now uses the proper GFDL boilerplate. Update debian/copyright accordingly * Fixed Vcs header in debian/control * s/gbgoffice/gbedic/ in Recommends * Make the package auto-buildable + Make debian/ set its locale and check if it is OK. Add 'use locale;' + Add locales-all to Build-Depends-Indep + Add --encoding=UTF-8 to odt2text invocation -- Damyan Ivanov Tue, 05 Jun 2007 16:00:35 +0300 bedic-computer-terms (0.0.200705170102-1) unstable; urgency=low * Reworked, based on sane build process. No longer strange binaries. * Changed upstream version to a timestamp, extracted from last change date of the document * Replace debian/copyright with one that actually makes sense * Reworked delivery of upstream tarball in separate debian/ * Added odt2txt to Build-Depends * Moved packaging to binary-indep; binary-dep is a dummy * Rename to match reality + update debian/, debian/dirs and debian/rules accordingly [ Yavor Doganov ] * Moved odt2txt to Build-Depends-Indep. * debian/ Guard the PKG variable with braces. * debian/rules: Removed the configure target, it is useless. * debian/patches/001_data-dir.patch: Removed, not necessary anymore. -- Damyan Ivanov Tue, 29 May 2007 13:44:35 +0300 bgoffice-computer-terms (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low [ George Danchev ] * Added myself to Uploaders * Added get-orig-osurce target * Moved debhelper to Build-Depends * Dropped cdbs, debhelper is enough * Debhelper compat level 5; no changes needed * Standards-Version 3.7.2; no changes needed * Updated copyright file [ Damyan ivanov ] * Dropped Provides: bgoffice-data -- Damyan Ivanov Tue, 24 Oct 2006 15:25:40 +0300 bgoffice-computer-terms (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. -- Damyan Ivanov Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:29:30 +0200